Thursday, December 6, 2007

Aaaaaaaaaaand, the countdown to my flight to Italy and France begins!

Counting down now..

It is 7 days till my fantabulous vacation overseas which i predict will be amazingly awesome!

as you can probably tell, i'm excited.

and by the way, the sequel to the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe will be coming out next year!! The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian will probably come out mid-2008! it'll be fantastic!
i'm tired. it's 1.13am and i've only slept for about 5 to 6 hours last night, and the night before, about 6 to 7 hours. so, following this theme, i shall post cute pics! which don't include me. haha.

if you're tired and feel like flopping over,

you should probably do as THEY do and curl up in the nearest comfy furniture item!

alternatively, stretching out is a perfectly good idea too.

on ANYTHING you can find.

in any weird position possible.

and you might probably find yourself ..... yourself...... yourse-YAAAAWN..... getting sleeeepy.
today the gluttons (minus siqian) sent hongyi off to china. we had a super fun time during hongyi's Great Lucky Draw Giveaway! lol! she brought a lot of illegal stuff in her handcarry, like toothpaste, travel wash etc, and her bags were too heavy. so she started giving away her stuff! including a book, a mug, travel wash and face wash! mengyuan was the grand winner with a total of 2 prizes! while melho the unfortunate didn't get any! hahaha, it was supremely amusing and hilarious.

we ate at burger king's, took several photos, then hongyi LEFT! sigh, time really waits for no man. noone is spared from its often cruel reach. but that's why we move on, forget or reminisce. the gluttons have really been probably my greatest friends in rg and rj, and i sincerely wish that we stay good friends for as long as possible. SIGH. we always wait till things have passed before truly appreciating them, guess that's inevitable and completely aligned with the human psyche!

anyways, going to changi airport, albeit by mrt, will always make my day! something about the place makes me excited, happy, sad and many other things simultaneously! someone said that airports are magical places of transition, lying on boundaries and borders, not belonging to any one city. isn't that fascinating?

i met up with benedict after that, to pass him some books to indulge in since he was feeling so aimless and empty after the hustle and bustle of activity over the past few days. and dude, you forgot to bring my lock and exam papers! honestly! your memory's worse than a goldfish's! and theirs is a 5-second one! and as usual, i learnt random weird bits of stuff from him again, like that funny-sounding ailment where sufferers fall asleep spontaneously, for example.

anyways, i found some more prom pics from benjamin's flickr site, benedict and preetha!

that's (from the left) trixie, preet, gerard and me!

benjamin and I. heh i think this is one of the photos i look good in, ignore benjamin. Haha! kidding la, sorry benjamin, your outfit's great... and of course your face also la! maybe cos it's quite dark and you can't really see my face clearly, that's why i get the impression that i look good, haha.

the food. this was the first dish, the cold dish or however you call it in chinese cuisine. there was squid, jellyfish, char siew, roast duck and erm...i forgot. i think this was the best dish in the entire menu, the rest kinda sucked big time.

artistic shot of the table placements.

and from benedict again, duh. because the ones i took with him using my cam were dark, blurry, or both.

courtesy of benedict khong, who took advantage of one of my many unglam moments as i was carrying ahmeng's bag, camera and other miscellaneous items. my face, as you can see, shows my feelings at the time. which incidentally, goes something like this: i feel so ill-used, having to carry all of someone else's stuff and feeling like a karang guni woman (or as benedict so articulately put across, a hanger with a whole lotta stuff on it), and then suffering to have my photo taken. :( poor me. but i shall force a smile out. :/

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

and here are the photos from prom! in order of importance, starting from my dearest mommy! haha just kidding. there were too many photos really, so i chose those that i look okay in, and those with proper lighting. a lot of my photos were too dark to see anything much la! Nooo!

I'm taller than my mom! see for yourself!

The gluttons in the hotel room, number 5272 (yeah that's right, we stayed on the 52nd floor! too cool! the view was amazing.) starting from me in the bottom right, going clockwise is ah meng, siqian, meifen, melho and hongyi!

Table 33! our cool tablemates! starting from me again (then who else?!) and clockwise is melho, siqian, ahmeng, dali, gerard, beedict who can't resist being -_-, marcus, xinrui, benjaja, mf and hongyi.

Class photo! 07S06S! okay, it kinda isn't exactly a CLASS photo, since some of the CLASS members were MIA, but more than 75% attendance qualifies it as a "CLASS" photo! by the way, the poor guy who helped us with the photo-taking must've gotten hand muscle cramps, he had to take us possibly 15 times over! with 15 diff cameras!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! although the tree looks a bit bare.

the sign, directing us lost sheep into the ballroom. by the way, what kind of theme is that?! Once upon a december?! huh?! wha?! rrrrright...

wow who's that good-looker!? LOL! okay i joke. that's me, cos me mom wanted a full-length shot of me. i swear! it wasn't my ego that wanted this photo taken! and thanks again to Glo for the dress! it's really v v v v v v v v v v veeeeeery nice!

Gluttons shot with kristel and joanna, sorta like a mini RGS 409 class reunion!

I couldn't resist putting this up. posef's doing some weird pout, or maybe he was going to yawn. HAHA

from the right, siqian, sumin and me!

and from the right again, mengyuan, preet and me! preetha's outfit is cool.

bel, mf and me! bel looks terribly happy, grin until like that!

Half of Iceburn! yishan, yiling and me. kar wei didn't go for prom. and xin miao and nicole were uncontactable. sigh. it would've been great to take an Iceburn photo. yishan looks so mature la! she looks like someone's wife, probably a rich man's wife, cos she looks high-class! haha.

and the 6S gluttons! wooh, i feel so tall! sorry, i couldn't resist.

and with THAT, we have come to the end of our presentation. we shall now have a Q & A session where we can answer any of your queries. haha, i kid. i have a sense of humour, you know. really. anyway, everyone looked good that night! it definitely was a night to remember.
phew, finally home! after a mad day rushing around the entire nation to prepare for prom, staying over at swissotel and sleeping at 4am, getting up at 8am for a tea session and returning to get my stuff, going for lunch at raffles city... I AM EXHAUSTED!

but prom was really enjoyable, very fun.

getting prepared for it was also ultra fun! my mom took half-day leave to chauffeur me around the entire Singapore!! how cool is that?!?! we were rushing to coronation to do hair, then drove like crazy to swissotel the stamford to check-in for ah meng to enter, then swept down to the car park and getting lost along the way (i can't help it, raffles city is too big!), probably offending several passers-by who got in my way, hopped in the car and positively flew to taka for an Anna Sui makeover (which, by the way, was extremely good! go there in future if you need make-up or a makeover) then raced back to the hotel room, where mel, meifen, hongyi, ahmeng and siqian were panicking, trying to put on make-up or their dresses, screamed at everyone to get outta the way so that i can use the toilet to change, finally getting into the super-fab dress that gloria so kindly lent me, mass taking photos with my mommy and the gluttons, then clacking our ways down to the level 4 function rooms in our skyscraper heels, then mass-taking photos again with almost everyone and anyone in our way, and finally getting seated in the ballroom.

pheeeeeeeeeew, that was a long sentence. and i haven't even reached the part where grad nite officially starts! you can tell how tiring just getting prepared was!

then the program started after an unnecessarily long delay, and the program kinda sucked, so did the food. especially the emcee, who the hell hires an emcee of that calibre?!?! please la, we pay so friggin much and you hire some half-*ss lao-yah-pock-gai fella to talk crap and irritate all the guests!? but we had fun mass-taking photos AGAIN, so as to preserve the memory of our dear friends, classmates, acquaintances, cca-mates etc. and obviously to preserve the memory of our tedious preparation, the hair, dress, make-up, accessories, blah blah.

sigh. it really was fun. and a few pple looked really good! i think benjamin's and benedict's were the best for our class' guys! haha. and sichen, lu rong and annabel too, for the girls! hmm, some of the ruggers didn't look too shabby either. in short, everyone probably looked better tonight than every day in school for the past 2 years! there was supposed to be a best dressed category right? wonder who won that.. wasn't listening to a word the blabbering idiot on stage was saying.

it felt really good taking photos with so many people! i feel like a celebrity, haha! ok kidding.

anyways, the gluttons went back to the room, but siqian had to leave, how sad. back in the room, we threw off our singapore-flyer heels immediately, and started wiping off all the make-up and people's fake eyelashes were being peeled off everywhere, it was chaotic! like the end of the world was looming close and pple were scrambling all over trying make-up and change. anyways, we were thinking of walking to clarke quay to make the most of the night, but gave up. we all bathed and went out of swissotel to hunt for food. we were supposed to look for a 24-hour hawker centre, but got lost and went for 24-hour Macdonalds instead. that was rather amusing. there was only one guy at the counter and the 5 of us were flooding him with orders. poor dude, he looked quite shell-shocked.

by the way, singapore at 2am in the night is rather enjoyable. no traffic, the wind was blowing constantly, the air was really cool, it felt like i was overseas on dec vacation! anyways we got our macs and went back to pig out, then the bustle of our hectic schedules caught up with us and we all fell asleep. stupid mel and ahmeng kept pulling the blanket towards their side! i had to fight for my life, yanking the blanket towards me occasionally to prevent hypothermia!

oh, before that, me, ahmeng, mel and mf had PLENTY of fun doing something. it was hilarious! except for mf, who was lousy!

then i woke early to get to the psc tea session, probably waking half the neighbourhood in the process trying to pack my stuff quietly. haha. sorry guys! the plastic covering for my dress crinkles noisily. it's not my fault!

then i came back to the hotel just in time to check-out, and so i did. and we went to Aerin's for lunch, which was good, despite the miniscule portions of food for gargantuan prices. couldn't really taste the white wine in the linguine vongole though, but it was not bad!

we walked around a bit, and i had to squeeze through narrow aisles with my humongous and heavy bags! i felt like an elephant in a micromouse maze.

i saw a lot of nice stuff, but i didn't want to add on to my already unbearable load, so i staved off temptation and kept my wallet firmly shut! good on me!

so after all that, i am back home, typing away, preparing to load photos of the long-awaited prom. i really will miss the class and the people i've met in rj! like mdm lee said, when she sees certain new students, she'll be reminded of some of her past students. i think i will too, when i make new friends in future. some of the things they do might remind me of the dudes and times back in rj, triggering memories. but oh well, we have to move on in life anyways. looking back constantly does noone any good.

but for now, i will sit back and appreciate the glam shots of my friends during prom, and remember all the silly, amusing, interesting (etc) moments we had together!

Friday, November 30, 2007

These are from our Gluttons' outing to orchard!

Here's us at Xin Wang in cineleisure, with the 2 blur queens from left to right, Tsai Fish Ball and Fang Sotong. HAHA, but seriously, your expressions are priceless. siqian looks like she's whining about smt, hongyi looks like she's going to fall asleep with a smile on her face, and melho looks....surprise surprise....NORMAL! lol, JUST kidding. please don't boot me out!

Ah Meng and me... i mean, Ah Meng and I. (must speak proper England!). see, the two of us look so normal, and i look especially good !LOL!

siqian and hongyi may have ended their A level examinations, but they sure aren't gonna stop studying. they won't even spare the menus! lookit how terribly concentrated and focused they are!

the bo chap expressions on their faces are actually a facade. what they're thinking is "Eew, meifen's camera skills are bad" , "EEW, why do i look so weird" , "I'm hungry, but since the food isn't here, i shall pretend to look at the camera and swallow back the drool" , "Juline looks nice in that photo" etc etc.

And of course, the complete set of 6 Gluttons! shucks, i forgot our ranks. but from left to right, they are (okay, i'm doing this so that in future, the really really far future, in case we forgot who the gluttons were, we could always look here! ooooooh... ahhhh, so brilliant!)... anyway, back to the point, from left to right, meifen, siqian, hongyi, melissa, mengyuan and me!

anyways, the outing was great. it was terrific to be back in orchard, our old territory, after the As. walking around looking at stuff, listening to hongyi complaining that she's hungry and tired, mengyuan that her legs are aching etc etc, having lunch and dinner all together..... sigh, i'll miss the days, the legacy of the GLUTTONS' CLUB.
here's the pic of my pet lizard. i won't call it Lizzy, because that'd be plain corny PLUS i don't know if it's male or female (do lizards have genders in the first place?!).

From henceforth till forever more, it shalt be named................Cosymbotus Platyrus. or CosyPlat for short. CosyPlat. haha. actually, i don't even know if that name is the correct one. but it was the only one i could find, so get over it.

Monday, November 26, 2007

you know what? i think animals are a gazillion katrillion bajillion times CUTER than any other living beings on Earth, including babies, kids, aliens etc etc. really! just look above and you'll know perfectly what i mean.

right? RIGHT! i knew it.



anyways, today was a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays.
rating: 2.74.
i woke up at 7.34am today, rolled around the bed for several minutes in utter annoyance at my screwed-up internal body clock, stopped rolling so that i could try to fall back asleep, managed to fall back asleep, woke up again at 10.57am, had breakfast, entertained the ever-attention-seeking Atlas, cooked lunch, had lunch, slouched around the house looking for dust particles to catch or mosquitoes to annihilate, started work on the hostel applications, gave up a while later, went down to walk Atlas, learnt how to cook grandmother-licious fried rice, had dinner, watched Pride and Prejudice until i got so yawningly bored, went up to complete my applications, pondered over the meaning of life and death, rejoiced at completing the applications finally.

and THAT my friends, is a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays. if you ever want to experience a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays, come and look for me to tell you how to enjoy a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays because i know best what a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays is like.

see, i told you i was bored.


oh crap, i still have a scholarship application to complete. dang. but closing date is 9th dec, hehe, can slowly do. plus, it's just a 500 word essay.. so i'm free to...stone for the rest of the time till the 9th. how great..



i can't wait to go for my overseas vacation! i'm already dragging out all my winter clothes and taking stock of what i'll need! haha, even though i'm only leaving on the 13th. but even though i'm raring to go, i feel sad that the 2 weeks spent overseas is 2 weeks less of seeing my grandmother and being with Atlas. these are the 2 loved ones i feel the worst leaving in Feb next year. my parents and brother have their work or studies to attend to, so they might probably have less mind space to worry about me.

sacrifices sacrifices. i have to sacrifice so much to study what i am passionate about because i am unable to study the course here at home. so many reasons to stay, but just one reason to go. unfortunately, that one reason speaks out louder, compelling me to leave what i have behind and strike a path into unknown territory, possibly to gain more than what i previously had. this is the time to be brave! i feel like a mariner of ancient times, poring over dusty maps, peering at compass needles and observing the constellations at night. a brave explorer traversing boundaries and discovering new lands.

alright, enough of this. i'm off to bed. and to Children of Hurin by JRR Tolkien, my companion for the next few hours probably. it's a spankingly good book, so get it if you can!

by the way, did i mention that christmas is coming so Merry Christmas one and all? i didn't? okay, here goes..


PS: christmas is, i think, my favourite holiday. which might sound stupid, considering i'm not Christian. but i love everything about this day and what it inspires in people!

before you wonder aloud what exactly has gotten me in such a delighted mood, i shall proudly announce that i have completed (yes!) my application to the hostel of my choice!


haha of course i'm exaggerating, but seriously, the form i had to fill in for the application is really long, and i wanted to complete it REALLY REALLY well because if i don't get into this hostel, i'm dead.

yes, dead. dead as a...heap of decaying bones.

because i wouldn't have anywhere to stay, and i'd have to rent an apartment. then i'd die of starvation probably, because i haven't learnt how to cook anything besides instant noodles and pasta. or i might die of suffocation or respiratory complications, because i have no inclination whatsoever towards keeping my apartment spotless, and the dust and dirt will probably kill me before i die of starvation. OR i might die because i forgot to turn of the stove or kettle, and the whole place might burn down. OR i might even die of loneliness staying in a 3-room apartment all by my lonesome.

sigh, how easy it is to end a human life! one can die of so many things, but there is only one way to live.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

i hope your turkey doesn't do this!
well well, christmas is coming! in approximately 29 days.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

is it wrong to dislike stupid people?

if you do, does it not imply that you suppose yourself intellectually superior and hence, being in a position to look down on the inferior? that would be downright egoistic and mean.

but it doesn't take a brain surgeon to differentiate between a dimwit and a bright spark! so maybe you don't have to think you're smart to hate stupid people. but you still would be mean i guess. will you?

stupid pple can avoid being stupid right? just get their act together to be more acute and shrewd! or can't they? they wouldn't know they're being stupid, or maybe they've tried being smart but failed horribly.

the point is, i think i'm being egoistic and mean. because i dislike someone for being stupid. it's probably wrong. but i can't help it! i mean, the person is REALLY REALLY dense sometimes. the things that person does! really! i can't say what la.

but my conscience is getting to me! i'm not supposed to dislike stupid people! right? because i'm not exactly spankingly brilliant either! argh, to hell with morals.

ok maybe not. i shall learn to control myself. CONTROL. and be more humble maybe.

by the way, on a totally different topic, i think i'm losing my sense of humour. not that i can't crack jokes anymore, but i can't seem to laugh or smile sometimes. when people joke around or make light conversations, it's tiring sometimes to drag the corners of my mouth into a smile or to force a convincing "Haha" out. this problem only applies to certain people though, some of my acquaintances. used to smile or laugh more around these people, but not anymore. oh boy. MAYBE it's cos the things they say aren't as interesting as before! maybe they're losing their sense of humour too! in that they can't crack funny jokes anymore. i certainly hope so. i don't wanna turn into a dull sour-faced person.

by the by, i will be churning out a list of things i wanna do after As! i know you guys will probably steal my ideas, since they're so bloody brilliant! haha. and i remembered that i owe this blog family dedications. so i shall dedicate (haha) some of my time after the last paper to write dedications (haha).

P.S.: ya i think i'm losing my sense of humour in that other sense (haha). my jokes and puns are getting worse. i even have to add (haha)s to direct the audience to laugh. oh boy. i need inspiration. divine intervention ad inspiration. oh god. i'm turning into one of those uncle-at-the-family-reunions-who-thinks-he's-the-
I have a pet lizard. Here he (at least i THINK it's a 'he') is...

Nah just kidding. My real pet lizard isn't an iguana, he's just a common house lizard. He likes camping out on my toilet window like a sniper, waiting for stupid flies to get attracted to the light and landing on the glass. Then he picks them off one by one like... flies. He's a little on skinny side, think he expends more energy climbing up to the window then he gets from eating stupid flies. Or maybe stupid flies don't contain much nutrition.

ANYWAYS, i'll get a photo up soon. He's cute.

and lookee what i found lurking in a cupboard at home. Pics of lil ol' me from eons ago.

i never knew i was so cute. no actually, i knew. HAHA! and i know you're dying to say it so i'll say it for you, so why do you look like that now?! haha. i love kangaroos. and lizards. and myself. lol, kidding la.

and look what else is in santa's sack! pics of atlas. okaaay, santa's a little early this year round.

i think he think he's got a cute butt. i think he DOES have a cute butt. but (haha) he really does look cute when he sits with his back facing pple cos pets usually like facing places where there's civilisation and lotsa activity.

wondering what captured his attention?

what else!? the poor bone was trying to escape, but only got as far as the carpet when it was spotted and consequently chewed up. it knew it had slim chances of making it out alive.

hehe. atlas can seriously sleep. he can even sleep when i put a piece of apple in front of his nose la. what kinda sniffer dog is that?! labs are supposed to have a superb sense of smell! apparently atlas isn't a lab. just in disguise probably.

woohoo, it's the last paper! there's so many things i wanna do! i hope i have the willpower to do them, instead of slacking and lazing around at home!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

okaaay, i suppose it's cheating if you type smt and come back later on to change it. it's like trying to conceal your true thoughts and feelings by altering what was said. BUT i DID change smt, not gonna tell you what though. because i was probably being idiotic when i typed it. but never mind.

yay, 3 more papers to go! this has been one of the toughest period, i admit, in my entire academic career. and i admit again, that i probably didn't work as hard as i should, thanks to some good news that came early. but i'm too tired to care about it anymore! too tired because i've been studying almost non-stop since september for the prelims, and i'm bloody sick of looking at my notes, especially econs. the science subjects are still quite ok, cos they can be interesting. but econs.... just kills me. i swear it does. i'm looking forward to 4.15 pm today, when i finally get to say adios to all my economic knowledge for good. don't tell me that i should keep useful economics knowledge bcos they come in handy in future. i absolutely detest economics and politics, my two most hated....arenas in life. i will expound on why i loathe these 2 realms in future, maybe. right now, i'm off to study for (oh joy) the econs case studies.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I'm an elitist brat.

yeah i am.
today, in the car on the way home after maths paper 2, Brendan asked me, "So how was the paper?"
Me: "ok la..."
Brendan: "what? just ok? maths is the paper you're supposed to score in you know!"

and so the elitist nature of mine (the dark forces) kicked in, and this train of thought made its way through my mind - Rrrright, i don't need you to tell me that. Y'know, for pple from our school, the benchmark is full marks, and it's a competition to see who loses the least marks to get a perfect score, not to see who earns more marks.

oh boy. this is one of the elitist thoughts that have invaded my mind since, i think, the beginning of the year. another elitist comment i made was something along the lines of "most of the students from our school surely get A for the A levels la, because it's benchmarked against other people in the same cohort" !!! now THAT is an elitist caught red-handed.

sigh. that was just a random confession of mine. one consolation though, i'm probably not alone in this mentality! which is actually not supposed to be a good thing. oh well.

and to veer off to a topic wholly and utterly unconnected to its predecessor, you know how people always say the grass is always greener on the other side? so i was just thinking, maybe people all see things differently. not as in mindset, beliefs, values, attitudes blah blah blah, but really physically, tangibly, differently. like one person can see a colour in a certain shade, and another sees the exact same colour but feels it's of another shade. or maybe you see a square black box that's a tv, and someone else sees something else, like perhaps it a sort of cube with slightly more angular faces.

ok, this is hard to describe and put in words. but (hopefully) you get the idea. ok, who am i kidding, you probably don't know what the Hell i'm saying, cos neither do i honestly.

by the way, i miss cooking. i miss tinkering around the kitchen, shopping for ingredients, trawling the net for recipes. one of the first things i shall do after As is to cook a REALLY REALLY fantastic pasta, followed by a REALLY REALLY wonderful dessert. and to wash it all down, i'm considering, either a cocktail or a mixed fruit juice or tea infusion, or maybe even all three. sounds nice? yeah man, hee hee, i can't wait. ooh, i could do a soup! maybe a seafood soup, lobster bisque, onion soup in french style, orrrr....... a minestrone? so many options so little time!

just a side note, before you think i'm a brilliant cook or smt, please revise your thoughts.

ANYWAYSSS, on to newer topics. i'm done with maths and gp for life. wow. it's amazing how times seems to pass so fast once you look back on it! it seems to pass ten times slower while you're in the midst of things. it's like you're operating at a different time universe, or whatever you call it. but yeah, (almost) 18 years of my life has passed! that's like, just a nearly 2 decades!! haha. 2 decades?!?! and what have i done with my life?!!? i've not saved a life yet! or did any noble laudable deeds! or climbed Mt Everest! or swum the English Channel! or won a Nobel! or...... wait a sec. this seems wrong. i'm judging my life's worth by things like these, awards, recognition... weeeell, what's a true measurement of how well you've spent your time anyways? sheesh.

and again with the veering off track. today we commemorate just over 2 months of non-stop mugging! from prelims till now. i have officially been buried under books, with my nose held against the Grindstone of Enlightenment, for nearly 70 days!! it's the first time i've studied so much in me (worthless, as earlier concluded) life! and it's just 2 weeks away to ultimate freedom! it's true what they say, that you never feel joy/freedom/amusement till you've experienced grief/imprisonment/boredom. all of us J2 will really get to taste freedom, and i mean real FREEDOM, in a little while. it's times like these that i can feel the camaraderie and fellow brothers-in-arms (that came out in gp!), everyone else at the bar counter with a beer mug commiserating. haha, ok that's absurd. but really, in 2 weeks' time, we'll all be new people. the free people of junior colleges. that sounds like some patriotic proclamation you here at a political rally, haha. okaaay, i can tell you're not amused. again, my humour fails me.

and in case you haven't realise (in which case you're really dimwitted), i'm extremely bored and i've started to ramble. which is actually quite good for my lit paper on monday. it's always good to ramble in any essay, especially lit essays. the more you ramble, the more the marker loses track of your poor argument or shoddy point, and the more likely he will just give up marking the script and give you a pass grade. but i digress. what i wanted to say was, next week is a crazy week!

monday - lit in the morning, physics in the afternoon
tuesday - chemistry in the morning, econs in the afternoon
wednesday - econs
thursday - try to heal the cramping muscles in my right hand
friday - chemistry

tell me that's crazy! it really is! especially thursday's schedule, that really sucks.

and benedict just ask me about the maths p & c question, involving stupid married couples standing in a stupid circle. who the Hell forces married couples to stand in circles so that we can do calculations on them?! that's just a crock of crap. anyways, i think i lost the most marks in that question. i probably lost all the marks in that question. probably. but actually, discussing it was quite interesting, it's almost like a philosophy question. lol. small wonder why ancient philosophers dabbled in mathematics too. ok, i just made up that statistic, but i have a feeling it's true. anyways, i'm off to draw circles and calculate the number of possible arrangements for stupid couples to stand.

cya, and all the best for the remaining papers.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

TODAY is Halloween! Yippee! well, honestly, i didn't exactly participate in the mass trick-or-treating or the whole house decorating affair. but it sure was a whole lotta fun walking atlas today and looking at the weirdest costumes, and most importantly, the weirdest people wearing these costumes.

of course, there were black-trash-bag ghouls and ghosts, paper-cone-hatted witches and warlocks, several green monsters of varying dye colours and fairies.
why fairies?? why on earth are fairies considered a halloween costume?! erm, fairies MIGHT be scary to wee tots i guess, maybe it's the wings. or the endlessly shimmery sparkles that could cause blindness and dizziness.

and of course, there were bald old men in bright yellow spongebob squarepants outfits. i mean, come on, who isn't afraid of spongebob? and come on, who hasn't seen bald old men wearing spongebob costumes before? yeah you read right, brendan (my brother fyi) passed by a doddering dude dressed as sbsp. oh god. what are we teaching young children nowadays?

but the cool thing was that the whole neighbourhood was abuzz with little kids (and old men) running around the place, chanting scary songs and shouting at the top of their voices, demanding for candy. it is the only time i ever see people (who aren't domestic helpers walking dogs) around the streets in the area. it's like all these people suddenly appeared from nowhere. it's like they appeared from Hell. GASP! imagine if they weren't really costumes! these haunts must be really poor, only can afford a plastic trash bag to wear or a paper wand to wave around.

anyways. the decorations some of the houses put up was really cool! some family probably ran out of pumpkins and carved faces on watermelons instead. LOL! jack-o'-melon. and the carving was really well done too! it had an appropriately lopsided grin, perfect balance of the eyes and nose, and good skin tone too!

here's something from wiki (cut short to spare thine eyes):

An old Irish legend tells of Jack, a lazy yet shrewd farmer who uses a cross to trap the Devil. Jack was getting chased by some villagers whom he had stolen from, when he met the Devil: it was time for him to die. However, the thief stalled his death by tempting the Devil with a chance to bedevil the church-going villagers chasing him. Jack told the Devil to turn into a coin with which he would pay for the stolen goods (the Devil could take on any shape he wanted); later, when the coin/Devil disappeared, the Christian villagers would fight over who had stolen it. The Devil agreed to this plan. He turned himself into a silver coin and jumped into Jack's wallet... only to find himself next to a cross Jack had also picked up in the village. Jack had closed the wallet tight, and the cross stripped the Devil of his powers; and so he was trapped. Jack only lets the Devil go when he agrees never to take his soul. After a while the thief died, as all living things do. Of course, his life had been too sinful for Jack to go to heaven; however, the Devil had promised not to take his soul, and so he was barred from Hell as well. Jack now had nowhere to go. He asked how he would see where to go, as he had no light, and the Devil mockingly tossed him an ember that would never burn out from the flames of hell. Jack carved out one of his turnips (which was his favourite food), put the ember inside it, and began endlessly wandering the Earth for a resting place. He became known as "Jack of the Lantern", or Jack-o'-Lantern.

freaky. "endlessly wandering the Earth for a resting place" is particularly .... scary. Halloween is a really spooky festival to celebrate, but luckily pple have turned it into a nice cheesy cutesy kinda event, with little kids being the main perpetrators, and pumpkin-carving, costume-designing and decorating being the main highlights.

and here's smt else i picked up on wiki, which sounds downright freaky.

The will-o'-the-wisp or ignis fatuus, or in plural form as ignes fatui ("fool's fire(s)") refers to the ghostly lights sometimes seen at night or twilight that hover over damp ground in still air — often over bogs. It looks like a flickering lamp, and is sometimes said to recede if approached. Much folklore surrounds the legend, but science has offered several potential explanations.

what these explanations are, you'll have to find out yourself. that's because ..... (play spooky, haunting music) but before this, let us go for a commercial break. lol, kidding. i'm going to bed la. you guys probably arent even interested in this, so i won't waste digital space and memory capacity.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I am really tired.
Just exhausted and drawn out, like a ductile metal that's been pulled into a wire.
Feeling really thin and feeble.

My productivity has sunk to an all-time low, just like the US dollar which has hit rock-bottom.
Unlike the US dollar's depreciation, nobody's celebrating any low inflation for me.
Prices still continue to stay high for me because the exams are looming closer, and the opportunity costs of not being able to study and concentrate has risen to an alarming magnitude.

The probability of me failing any subject is a maximum of 1, and a minimum of zero. And between you and me, the range from 0 to 1 is tiny as hell! I could crash and burn, so easily. The odds are stacked against me! And the graphic calculator sketches out my possible fates, a curve that stretches on to infinity, tending to zero. As time runs out nearer the exams, so many outcomes could emerge.

And as the tables turn against me, positions shift. new positions of equilibriums are attained, but how has the yield changed? have i churned out more prelim papers and memorised more notes? or has the yield fallen? only continuous methods to measure rates of reactions, and the rate itself, will deem if the time spent can yield rewards.

erm, what other subject is left? GP and lit? ahh forget it! this is taking up too much time, i'm off to study now.

Note to self: Get outside and get some fresh air. Will help maintain sanity.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

ok i FINALLY found a picture of the elusive cemetery, and even then, they must have forgotten to name it. see that humongous light grey patch above the University? yep, you got it. and whoopee dee, the residential college i'm applying to lies along that yellow line Royal Parade, in between the cemetery and the campus.

wow, talk about exciting campus life!

but anyways, it's still cool to be able to stay in one of the residential colleges! esp since i'm applying to International House, where 60% of the population are from countries other than Australia! i can meet people from ALLLLLL over the World! heh, i can imagine ah meng thinking along the lines of hot guys from which countries! HAHA, just kidding! (not).

and here's something interesting, i bet us gluttons have very different ideas on which countries GENERALLY have the best-looking guys. ok this is purely recreational and definitely superficial, but it sure is interesting!

here's a list of what i think the GLC members have in mind:
Hongyi - Korea, definitely!
Meifen - France? Spain? surely some European country!
Melho - hmm, this is hard.... but i'm thinking, maybe US, bcos of Brad Pitt. haha!
Mengyuan - definitely a latin american country! or maybe France too
Siqian - this is hard too... er.... Asian? maybe... Japan or Korea? lol, i'm not sure!

glutts, please feel free to flood my tagboard with numerous protests.
alrighty. i went down to idp again to apply to submit my application for the residential colleges around University of Melbourne. and the rep passed me this map of Victoria, which OBVIOUSLY, is where Uni of Melbourne is located in.

and lookee what i found.

there is a GARGANTUAN christian graveyard opposite the road from the residential college i applied to.

yes. you read correctly.






they conveniently omitted it from an earlier map i saw, but i saw it in the map of Victoria. i swear i saw it! and it's really big. about the size of the university campus itself! and the best part is, when my mom went to the campus last year, she said the buildings there looked rather old.

oh boy. i can just imagine all the types of stories passing from person to person within the walls of the university campus and the residential colleges. ohhh boy. but anyways, the rep said the graveyard's quite nice, esp if you're into Gothic stuff. rrrrright. oh well, i guess if it gets to noisy students could always pop by the cemetery to mug for their papers.

yeah, that was just a little bit of trivia for you.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


seriously. this squirrel is in the middle of the African desert, probably wandered around in circles for days, getting lost and lost-er, and finally STUMBLES across a miraculous bottle of coke (still cold) with a straw conveniently inserted in, positively begging to be drunk.

and THAT, is an example of how i'm so bored i can write the most retarded things.
Wow, this is the first time in a long time i'm posting something. i almost forgot the url to get here.

fortunately, i didn't!

which is why i'm here, to announce to the World that....

and i shall quote:

"Dear Miss Chua, Congratulations! I am delighted to offer you admission to the University of Melbourne as an International student. Course: Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Science), leading to Bachelor Veterinary Science."


this piece of (WONDERFUL) news made me unable to concentrate on work the entire day. haha.

which is also partly why i'm here now. instead of hiding under my desk mugging like some psychopath obsessed with books and notes. you got it, that's what i've been like these past few days. wake up, eat, study, eat, study, eat, fall into unconsciousness (which only serves to use up time that should be spent on more studying). and a little bit of toilet-visitation in between of course. but before you think i must be making great leaps of progress through this mass of notes and papers, i will, heh, admit that time spent on studying is not directly proportional to productivity in absorbing and learning.

you see, let me write out the rate equation over here - rate = k[mugging]^0.05.
so if you increase the concentration of mugging, the rate of absorption of data only increases by 0.05 times. this, as you can probably tell, makes life very difficult for me. i increase mugging by so much, only to improve so little. sigh.

AAAAAnyways, i'd better be off to do something productive now. like looking through hostel applications and scholarship applications. haha. i'm not in the mood for studying just yet.

WOOHOO!! Hallelujah!! Wonders befall this Earth!!! It's a miracle!!! ok forgive me, i'm still excited.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

alright! i found another current favourite song of the month! yes, i can have more than one favourite, despite whatever Oxford or Cambridge write in their dictionaries. don't get misled by them, you can have ANY number of favourite things you want. 3 favourite drinks, 17 favourite colours, 89 favourite bands and 9885 favourite things to do after waking up in the mornings.

anyways, i digress.

Stronger by Kanye West!! THAT is my new fave song now! my aim is to upload songs like Stronger, The Great Escape, Time After Time, Shut Up and Drive, What I've Done and other songs that are perfect for running to, ALL into a teeny mp3 player for use when i go running. surely i can run longer and faster this way! now all i have to do is get a light mp3 player......

and in the short 3 minutes i've been typing, i discovered another 2 fave songs!! 1973 by James Blunt and Ayo Technology by 50 Cent and Justin Timberlake!

by the way, i usually dislike 50 Cent. YES it's true. no matter how many times he was shot and still survived, i don't really like him. no matter how brilliantly intriguing and wonderfully creative his name is, i don't really like him. but unfortunately, he collaborated with THE justin timberlake to produce a great track like Ayo Technology. sigh.


nothing else to type. so i'm off now.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

i'm melting!!

which kinda reminds me of ah meng's lame joke about sugar. i will not repeat it here, in order to protect the poor eyes and brains of the good people out there.

anyways, today is super super SUPER hot!

ok i shall go bathe in a tub full of ice now, goodbye! see you again in several days time when i have thawed and regained consciousness and mobility.

Monday, October 1, 2007














end of story.

ok not really. i still have much MUCH more to gripe about. this very day has earned a rating of 1.93. in other words, if it weren't for my not having to go to school, i would probably be sucking my thumb and rocking myself to sleep beside the toilet bowl while i weep my eyes out over how terrible life is.

and of course, being the fabulous joker i am, i was OBVIOUSLY just pulling you leg.

but honestly, i'm feeling really low now thanks to my mysterious ailment. it all started when i woke up yesterday with a weird feeling in my mouth and throat. this benign "weird feeling" later developed into a "weird feeling" of PURE EVIL, threatening to seize control of my mouth, tongue and throat by dispatching little sores to command and conquer! as you can probably tell, the use of military and war imagery is really appropriate for situations like these.

anyways, i can barely taste food, and eating or drinking is really uncomfortable. mrt trains will be so glad to have me as a commuter (Eating or drinking is NOT allowed).

if you wanna gain first-hand experience of my malady, i shall tell you how.

first, run out to the DIY store and purchase 2 sheets of 1m X 1m heavy-duty sandpaper. by "heavy-duty", i mean REALLY heavy-duty, like the type of sandpaper that will make the most unyielding bits of scrap metal quake in their soddy shoes, and turn them into meek little balls of metal with bottoms as smooth as a baby's, well, bottom.

second, cut out 4 strips of 3cm by 1cm, as well as one in the shape of a tongue. if you do not know what a tongue looks like, please go to your primary school science teacher and give him/her a good dressing-down. put aside the rest of the sandpaper, you won't be needing them till your next art lesson.

third, place the strips in between the lining of your mouth and your gums, with 2 strips for the upper jaw, and 2 for the lower. then, place the tongue-shaped piece on (guess what?) your tongue.

fourth, raid your kitchen and take any edible substances out of your shelf or fridge.

fifth, attempt to chew and swallow these substances. please note that this step should be carried out preferably in private, because at this point, you will probably be making funny faces, as you grimace and wince during the uncomfortable process of following the above instruction.

and that, my friends (with sore mouths, tongues and throats), is how i feel.

but anyways, i went to 2 doctors to find out what the bleeding hell is happening to my mouth, tongue and throat. the first doctor looked at me and said solemnly, "I have never come across anything like this before.". i swore i could've fainted on the spot. then he went on to say, "Give it a few days and see whether it develops into something more serious." Yeah, and by that time i might probably be unable to open my mouth and possibly half-dying of starvation and dehydration.

the second doctor spent a whole lotta time telling me what i DIDN'T have, but somehow failed to tell me what i DID have. he said," it's not cancerous, because the white colouration is a different shade. it's not hand-foot-mouth, because there aren't any blisters on your hands and feet (hallelujah!), and also the sores look different. and it's not a fungal infection.". fortunately, he told me that it SHOULD clear in a week, and gave me some antibiotics.

so here i am now, wishing that a week would pass faster. feeling absolutely shitty cos i can't really taste much or chew and swallow well. and i think my throat's starting to swell. you know how a bullfrog looks when it's croaking? its throat swells impossibly large and then subsides. my throat COULD perhaps be looking like that right now. so i'm hoping it subsides fast. humans aren't meant to look like frogs you know.

anyways, at least i think it's starting to heal slowly. it was worse in the morning. ah well, i will appreciate eating and drinking more in future. once this sodding week passes.

Friday, September 28, 2007

oh and one other thing. i was viewing my blog, just to see if things turned out looking alright and yada-yada. and i realised that white font on a black background can do some SEEERIOUS damage to your eyes. my eyeballs started to protest after reading just several lines.

so i'd like to apologise for making my readers (where are my readers? anyone out there? yoohoo?) strain their eyes just to read my blog. but oh well, good things come with a price y'know. sacrifice your vision for some truly enlightening insight and perspectives! it's probably a good bargain.

by the way, i WON'T change my background colour, neither will i the font colour. so, TOO BAD.
oh man, i was digging around my cupboard for fun today. and i found my kindergarten report card. they have criteria such as Intellectual Development, Social-Emotional Development and Moral-Aesthetic Development &c, and there are 3 grades, Very Good, Good and Average.

so i looked through my K2 report. and i got Very Good for ALMOST everything (of course!), except for certain criteria la. guess what? i only got Good for "Hand and eye coordination", and for "Tolerance", as well as for "Ability to Concentrate". hahaha, i burst out laughing when i saw that.

ok that was just a side-track. sigh, today was a 2.99-rating. yeah, had a bad day. thanks to the big D i got for econs.
for Dismal, Devastating, Disastrous, Don't-waste-your-time, Dieee, Dudley Dursley.

sigh. i really have to work miracles on my econs, the most detestable subject in the entire universe! i swear it is!

and i'm getting nervous about my maths grade, ah meng heard that not a lot of pple got A this time around. shucks, i really need an A in maths! really really really! i need it to neutralise the D in econs. oh well.

ANYWAYS, on to HAPPIER topics (oh wait, nothing beats economics in making ME happy). hmmm, what to say.... oh yeah! i had chocolate milk tea with pudding today! WOW, doesn't that fascinate you endlessly?

oh. just thought of something else. did you know the average racing horse weighs 450kg? and did you know (obviously you don't, that's why i'm telling you now) that a jockey must not weigh above 50kg? WOW. which is why many jockeys resort to starvation and diets, and many are bulimic and constantly worrying about their weight. that's worst than most teenage girls, they HAVE to starve for a living!

ok, that was about all i could rack my brains and come up with. hm. how about a list of spankingly fantastic animals facts? i could try rattling them off from the back of my head. (okaay, i'm cheating, i got them off several websites.)

here some extremely spellbinding trivia about my favourite (yeah for real!) race, Animals!

Studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh floor of a building it has about thirty percent less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the twentieth floor. It supposedly takes about eight floors for the cat to realize what is occurring, relax and correct itself. (that is ONE seriously laggy cat)

Bats always turn left when leaving a cave. (talk about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder!)

As a general rule in the animal kingdom, the more complex or relatively big the eye in relation to the body, then the smaller the rest of the brain. (hi, what beautiful BIG eyes you have!)

When possums are playing dead, they are not "playing." They actually pass out from sheer terror. (HAHA!)

Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a lightning strike. (why not?! that would be wasting a perfectly barbequed meal!)

A shrimp's heart is in their head. (imagine if one was dumped by his girlfriend and got heartbroken. he'd be having a migraine! that's sad.)

Many hamsters only blink one eye at a time. (so girl hamsters would always think boy hamsters were trying to hit on them! with all that coy winking!)

A duck's quack doesn't echo anywhere, and no one knows why. (have you ever tried before? i have! my duck, called Bill, really quacks without it echoing! it's terribly amazing! QUACK QUACK QUACK quack..)

The heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car. (imagine if one was dumped by his girlfriend and got heartbroken. imagine damage, lots and lots of it. i mean, the glass of the windows on the car could shatter and the shards could damage the whale's internal organs! oh no! or the airbags could inflate and suffocate the poor guy!)

please note that the contents of the above Amazing Animal Trivia section are completely unsubstantiated and may not be trustworthy.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I have an extraordinary talent.

do you know daniel tammet? remember him? well anyways, he thinks of numbers in terms of colours, shapes, textures, landscapes, feelings even. which is why he can do stellar calculations just by sitting there and feeling his way through the images in his mind, fitting things together and finally arriving at the solution. well, my exceptional talent is like his. except that mine deals with words. to put it simply,

numbers : daniel tammet is like words : me

so, give me any word, ANY word at all, and i can think of it in terms of colours, shapes, textures, landscapes, feelings even.

take for example, the word potato. when i see this word, an image is conjured in my mind. i see something not large, perhaps fist-sized. brown. a bit muddy-looking. it's a bit oval in shape, and feels rough.

and say, the word, green. what i'm getting is this...this...all i see is a patch of something. you know what's it like when you mix blue and yellow together? yeah, i see a whole lotta THAT. just a huge bare patch of THAT.

how about, mirror? i see someone... a girl, good-looking and cute, her features are coming into focus... and... and she looks JUST LIKE ME. okaay, i made that one up. what i really see is this, silvery substance. it sort of repeats whatever is in front of it, copies it down and shows it again. it's rather cold, and definitely solid to the touch. somehow, it doesn't feel...i mean, it feels, a bit, insidious. a bit...untrustworthy. yet, somehow comforting.

the word, blank. i'm picturing this...this....sort of nothingness that's so empty, yet so solid at the same time. it's like an entity, yet an absence of something. it takes up a lot of space, and just...feels.....white and indistinct.

slap. when i look at this, several faces swim into view. is it?....i see some people, and i feel this tremendous, urge, to connect my palm to their cheeks. to inflict pain and humiliation. and i hear, this sound, which is sort of like a clapping noise. a sharp noise. and i see the faces wince. then i get this new feeling of satisfaction, it feels good, mixed with a tingly sort of feeling on my palm.

fairy. what i see is... a ship, or a boat. oh wait, it disappeared. what i see now is this tiny figure, and i somehow think of the name....Tinkerbell. hmm, wonder what that means.

snorklecrackywhamhiggledypoof. erm.. this one's's taking a long time to materialise and take shape in my mind. well...what i'm picturing is a....sort of.....pig-looking creature, and it's chomping on a bowl of...crackers?....something that makes a lot of noise. and the creature then disappears! just like that, into thin air.

and you know how tammet thinks the number 6 is like, a very small, sort of number? very tiny and minute. i get the same thing. when i see the word itsybitsy, i feel just the same way tammet does.

and tammet also hates this number, 9. he says it's very tall, and imposing, a very boarding-school-master-from-hell type of number. when he went to new york city, surrounded by all the looming skyscrapers, he felt like he was surrounded by the number 9 on all sides. i have a similar feeling when i see the words, boarding-school-master-from-hell. it's amazing i tell you. it's one of the rare times where many words join to give me just one feeling, a feeling of dread and horror and disgust.

and i have my favourite words too, just like tammet loves pi. personally, i don't think pie is anything fantastic, i'd rather have a cake any day. but anyways, i like words like fame, fortune, money, status, power. okaay, i made those up too. those words seem so...shiny and glittery and attractive at first sight, but later, this creeping feeling sneaks up. i feel a bit.......sad, cautious maybe.

my real favourite words are, velvet, apothecary, kumquat, quidditch, spongebob, elf, scaramouche, widdershins, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, shakespeare, moot, roar, sashimi, snorgle, princess, dream, sky, sparkle, and many many more.

so, as you can see, i have a rare talent that is probably unique to this world. i hope that perhaps, scientists somewhere can understand my gifts fully, and research into this phenomenon.

note: Mr Tammet sir, honestly, i was just horsing around. don't send an army of numbers after me! i repent! i won't make fun of you anymore!
why is life so full of oxymorons? (or oxyidiots, oxyninnys, oxydimwits...)

funny people get depression. smart people can get quite dumb. popular people offend some others.

makes me confused sometimes.

and another thing. i was just thinking, imagine that you have a circle of friends, or acquaintances, who all know each other mutually. then you have another circle of, say, relatives, like your cousins. isn't it weird that both circles are sort of SHARING you? and they both see different sides of you. maybe your friends see you in school everyday, the person they're seeing is the student in you. and your relatives see you, perhaps, everytime there's a get-together, so they see the partying side of you. weird isn't it? and there are like tons of little circles that can form around you. and i still find it weird (even after typing several sentences), that they're SHARING you! ok, this was a thought that occurred a long time ago, so i've forgotten most of what i was thinking of. but if it hits me again, i shall return to chronicle it.


and that, was my stomach. i'm starving. bye.
heyyyyyy, i have several things to gush about today.

FIRST of all, my friend's dog who is cutely named "Der Kia" (ok la, i dunno how to spell it, but it's Hokkien for 'baby pig'). anyways, he's a boston terrier, 8 months old but already muscular and stocky. and he's sooooo terribly cute! he likes sitting on his butt and sticking his 2 front paws into the air, and when he does it he really looks like a little human kid. and his coat colour is quite cool! he looks like Batman! he's got like a black face mask thing going on, and his ears are cropped and sticking out. and he also breathes like Darth Vader! which is the best part! lol. he snorts noisily too when he breathes through his mouth. oh boy, so cute.

AAAAAAND, right, i forgot what i wanted to say. crap! shucks, never mind, when i remember then i'll come back.

in the meantime... i had a good day today! well, not exactly resoundingly fantastic la, but i'd give it a 3.89.

OH WAIT, i rmb what was the 2nd thing i wanted to gush about. Boys Like Girls' 'The Great Escape'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven't listened to it in a few weeks. and i played it today. hearing the drums at the start of the song gave me goosebumps! it was THAT good! and there's something about the song...listening to it....just does something to me and makes me go crrraaazzzy over it!! sigh. i MIGHT just label it my favourite song...for now.

back to the previous topic. a 3.89 today, because i received quite a lot of good news today. chem, phys, gp grades. psc test results. college awards. ... but it's only a 3.89 day because somehow i don't feel that delighted and brimming with joy. maybe i'm wary that good things are usually balanced out by bad news? so much good luck in a day must, most definitely, come out from your Luck Account in the Divine Bank, which leaves you in a Luck Deficit that will cause the Divine Bankers to hound you. next thing you know, you'll be living out a tomorrow in Luck poverty and declared a bankrupt, so you'll have to suffer things like, broken mirrors, spilt salt shakers, and whatever else that smacks of Luck poverty.

ok, i'm so full of nonsense.

but really, i keep thinking that my luck will run out! and that my other grades will suck to the high heavens. argh. why was i ever born paranoid? oh well.

and by the way, i have something else to say, or rather, type. why do people hate cats so much? ok, i generalise. but a lot of people dislike cats! they're way misunderstood! anyways, part of my sudden advocating of Cat's Rights and championing for their cause is because i've just ploughed through a Neil Gaiman book (Smoke and Mirrors). and there was this short story of how (this is where Gaiman fans who haven't read the book will close their eyes and scroll downwards. OR, if they were too slow in catching the hint and carried on reading, will start to curse and swear) a black cat turns up on the front porch of the character's house one day. the cat lives peacefully with his owners for several days, before he starts coming back each day with mysterious injuries and wounds, cuts, bruises, broken bones, pus-oozing gashes and the works. the owner presumed he was picking a fight with a gigantic raccoon, or some malicious rats, and so, locked him up in the basement to recover.

in the 4 days that the black cat was kept away, the owner and his family suffered tremendously bad luck. his career faced a major setback, his wife had a car accident, and their baby almost drowned in the bath &c. (ok, actually that was about it, but i JUST had to use those symbols "&c" cos they look so pro). so the owner decides to free the black cat, which was mewing copiously and pacing non-stop. and the owner also decides to stay up one night, to see what exactly was the black cat fighting. so he pulls a chair, hides upstairs with binoculars, and waits. much later, deep in the night, he sees it.

"it" being the Devil. (of course, what else were you expecting?) the owner also sees the black cat, which battles bravely with the Devil, keeping it away from the house. the cat leaps, and prances, and swipes, and scratches, and spits. finally, the Devil flees. but the Devil comes back often, not every night, but on many nights. and the black cat fights, he fights with his life. he fights to keep the Devil away from his owner's house. that's where all his injuries come from. the owner picks up the cat, who can barely stand. the black cat has lost an eye, a limb, and possibly suffered even worse internal damage. but the owner admits he is selfish. he lets the cat out every night. the black cat fights on, and looking at his wounds, he might probably only have a few weeks to live.

the end. that was one of the saddest stories i've ever read, maybe cos i don't read sad stories often. but of course, i haven't done it justice and you should go pick up a copy and read it youself. being the naive and innocent person i am, i could only think, how can that man possibly be so selfish that he sacrifices a brave life for his own safety?!?! what the ^@$%!&!!! how foolish of me. of course it's possible, it's human nature after all.

Monday, September 24, 2007

alrrrright, today was a fun day at orchard with the gluttons. a sweeeeet 3.87-rating day having lunch at the korean restaurant Su (i think) at far east, then walking over to wisma, then cine, and finally to swensens at... erm.... i have no idea what that building is. orchard seriously has some ulu buildings springing out from nowhere that noone really knows about. like the rolex tower, at least that's what me and my cousins call it, haha.

ANYWAYS, the korean food was good. me and melho reached early, and when we stepped in, i could tell right away it was a good restaurant! the menu looked pro, the prices not too cheap or too expensive, and the service, decor etc gave off good vibes. and so, the food came, and it WAS great. my bibimbap (they called it smt in a "stone cattle" in the menu... cattle?!?) was not too dry or too soggy, and nice and crunchy! heh, i'm getting hungry. and i just finished dinner a few hours ago!

eh siqian! your black-bottomed chocolate cheese thingys are nice la! how is it humanly possible to make muffins that are crumbly and not chewy?! and please dress a bit more decently next time, i'm not even 18 years old yet la!
and hongyi, thanks for spicing up our lunch with your cute korean waiter incident, lol! we must be sure to go to the boat quay outlet when he's there. then he can serve you all you want. you can ask him to refill your cup non-stop or even teach you korean words like DELICIOUS! HAHA!

aaaanyways, i had a great time today. it felt like how it was back in sec 4 options period. sighh, i really miss sec 4 now! i'm starting to feel ALL the convenience and fun of having orchard road a 5-minute walk away from school. unlike rj. sighhhhhhhhhh. i really really really miss sec 4. even our free time in sec 4 is more free than our free time now la! now whenever we go out, there's this underlying nagging thought that goes: "the 'A's are only one month away. the 'A's are only one month away. the 'A's are only one month away. the 'A's are only one month away. the 'A's are only one month away. the 'A's are only one month away. ( GC syntax: [above sentence]x10E99)

see! i told you!

sigh, i think as you grow older, things become less fun. a rare few adults can still goof around with their friends, and a rarer few can appreciate the ability to do so. i hate it that as you grow older, you have to lose all these little abilities and gifts, to see the simple beauty of things, to appreciate things for what they are, to not have to think about money and looks all the time, to show your feelings and thoughts to others and not have them misconstrued, to be able to burst out laughing or make a lotta noise in public without others giving you disapproving what-is-her-problem looks, and of course, the list can go on and on to eternity.

which, unfortunately, life can't. or is it fortunately? ah well, that is another question to ponder over next time.

and by the way, i still don't like taking neoprints. super waste money. for such teeny pictures somemore. walao. can't stand it. and lucky ah meng, hongyi and melho didn't manage to drag us into kbox. if not my rating of 3.87 would've dropped to 1.748 right away. and someone should probably start a ministry for recreation and leisure activities, cos i think singapore has a serious lack of things to do! or maybe we just dunno where to look. but for now, we'll just have fun hanging out in orchard or other major malls! hooray to the inventor of shopping malls!

okaay, you could probably take a random stab now and correctly guess that i am extremely bored and just trying to fill up the space here. ooh. if you press Enter continuously in this blogging text box thing, will it leave blanks all the way till... infinity?!?! i'm thinking it should stop before that, but the key is.. when? maybe like after a fwe thousand spaces?? hundred??

and i shall leave you to ponder over life's mysteries. bye. ...... the answer's 42!