Friday, November 30, 2007

These are from our Gluttons' outing to orchard!

Here's us at Xin Wang in cineleisure, with the 2 blur queens from left to right, Tsai Fish Ball and Fang Sotong. HAHA, but seriously, your expressions are priceless. siqian looks like she's whining about smt, hongyi looks like she's going to fall asleep with a smile on her face, and melho looks....surprise surprise....NORMAL! lol, JUST kidding. please don't boot me out!

Ah Meng and me... i mean, Ah Meng and I. (must speak proper England!). see, the two of us look so normal, and i look especially good !LOL!

siqian and hongyi may have ended their A level examinations, but they sure aren't gonna stop studying. they won't even spare the menus! lookit how terribly concentrated and focused they are!

the bo chap expressions on their faces are actually a facade. what they're thinking is "Eew, meifen's camera skills are bad" , "EEW, why do i look so weird" , "I'm hungry, but since the food isn't here, i shall pretend to look at the camera and swallow back the drool" , "Juline looks nice in that photo" etc etc.

And of course, the complete set of 6 Gluttons! shucks, i forgot our ranks. but from left to right, they are (okay, i'm doing this so that in future, the really really far future, in case we forgot who the gluttons were, we could always look here! ooooooh... ahhhh, so brilliant!)... anyway, back to the point, from left to right, meifen, siqian, hongyi, melissa, mengyuan and me!

anyways, the outing was great. it was terrific to be back in orchard, our old territory, after the As. walking around looking at stuff, listening to hongyi complaining that she's hungry and tired, mengyuan that her legs are aching etc etc, having lunch and dinner all together..... sigh, i'll miss the days, the legacy of the GLUTTONS' CLUB.

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