Sunday, November 18, 2007

I have a pet lizard. Here he (at least i THINK it's a 'he') is...

Nah just kidding. My real pet lizard isn't an iguana, he's just a common house lizard. He likes camping out on my toilet window like a sniper, waiting for stupid flies to get attracted to the light and landing on the glass. Then he picks them off one by one like... flies. He's a little on skinny side, think he expends more energy climbing up to the window then he gets from eating stupid flies. Or maybe stupid flies don't contain much nutrition.

ANYWAYS, i'll get a photo up soon. He's cute.

and lookee what i found lurking in a cupboard at home. Pics of lil ol' me from eons ago.

i never knew i was so cute. no actually, i knew. HAHA! and i know you're dying to say it so i'll say it for you, so why do you look like that now?! haha. i love kangaroos. and lizards. and myself. lol, kidding la.

and look what else is in santa's sack! pics of atlas. okaaay, santa's a little early this year round.

i think he think he's got a cute butt. i think he DOES have a cute butt. but (haha) he really does look cute when he sits with his back facing pple cos pets usually like facing places where there's civilisation and lotsa activity.

wondering what captured his attention?

what else!? the poor bone was trying to escape, but only got as far as the carpet when it was spotted and consequently chewed up. it knew it had slim chances of making it out alive.

hehe. atlas can seriously sleep. he can even sleep when i put a piece of apple in front of his nose la. what kinda sniffer dog is that?! labs are supposed to have a superb sense of smell! apparently atlas isn't a lab. just in disguise probably.

woohoo, it's the last paper! there's so many things i wanna do! i hope i have the willpower to do them, instead of slacking and lazing around at home!

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