Tuesday, November 13, 2007

okaaay, i suppose it's cheating if you type smt and come back later on to change it. it's like trying to conceal your true thoughts and feelings by altering what was said. BUT i DID change smt, not gonna tell you what though. because i was probably being idiotic when i typed it. but never mind.

yay, 3 more papers to go! this has been one of the toughest period, i admit, in my entire academic career. and i admit again, that i probably didn't work as hard as i should, thanks to some good news that came early. but i'm too tired to care about it anymore! too tired because i've been studying almost non-stop since september for the prelims, and i'm bloody sick of looking at my notes, especially econs. the science subjects are still quite ok, cos they can be interesting. but econs.... just kills me. i swear it does. i'm looking forward to 4.15 pm today, when i finally get to say adios to all my economic knowledge for good. don't tell me that i should keep useful economics knowledge bcos they come in handy in future. i absolutely detest economics and politics, my two most hated....arenas in life. i will expound on why i loathe these 2 realms in future, maybe. right now, i'm off to study for (oh joy) the econs case studies.

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