Thursday, September 27, 2007

heyyyyyy, i have several things to gush about today.

FIRST of all, my friend's dog who is cutely named "Der Kia" (ok la, i dunno how to spell it, but it's Hokkien for 'baby pig'). anyways, he's a boston terrier, 8 months old but already muscular and stocky. and he's sooooo terribly cute! he likes sitting on his butt and sticking his 2 front paws into the air, and when he does it he really looks like a little human kid. and his coat colour is quite cool! he looks like Batman! he's got like a black face mask thing going on, and his ears are cropped and sticking out. and he also breathes like Darth Vader! which is the best part! lol. he snorts noisily too when he breathes through his mouth. oh boy, so cute.

AAAAAAND, right, i forgot what i wanted to say. crap! shucks, never mind, when i remember then i'll come back.

in the meantime... i had a good day today! well, not exactly resoundingly fantastic la, but i'd give it a 3.89.

OH WAIT, i rmb what was the 2nd thing i wanted to gush about. Boys Like Girls' 'The Great Escape'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven't listened to it in a few weeks. and i played it today. hearing the drums at the start of the song gave me goosebumps! it was THAT good! and there's something about the song...listening to it....just does something to me and makes me go crrraaazzzy over it!! sigh. i MIGHT just label it my favourite song...for now.

back to the previous topic. a 3.89 today, because i received quite a lot of good news today. chem, phys, gp grades. psc test results. college awards. ... but it's only a 3.89 day because somehow i don't feel that delighted and brimming with joy. maybe i'm wary that good things are usually balanced out by bad news? so much good luck in a day must, most definitely, come out from your Luck Account in the Divine Bank, which leaves you in a Luck Deficit that will cause the Divine Bankers to hound you. next thing you know, you'll be living out a tomorrow in Luck poverty and declared a bankrupt, so you'll have to suffer things like, broken mirrors, spilt salt shakers, and whatever else that smacks of Luck poverty.

ok, i'm so full of nonsense.

but really, i keep thinking that my luck will run out! and that my other grades will suck to the high heavens. argh. why was i ever born paranoid? oh well.

and by the way, i have something else to say, or rather, type. why do people hate cats so much? ok, i generalise. but a lot of people dislike cats! they're way misunderstood! anyways, part of my sudden advocating of Cat's Rights and championing for their cause is because i've just ploughed through a Neil Gaiman book (Smoke and Mirrors). and there was this short story of how (this is where Gaiman fans who haven't read the book will close their eyes and scroll downwards. OR, if they were too slow in catching the hint and carried on reading, will start to curse and swear) a black cat turns up on the front porch of the character's house one day. the cat lives peacefully with his owners for several days, before he starts coming back each day with mysterious injuries and wounds, cuts, bruises, broken bones, pus-oozing gashes and the works. the owner presumed he was picking a fight with a gigantic raccoon, or some malicious rats, and so, locked him up in the basement to recover.

in the 4 days that the black cat was kept away, the owner and his family suffered tremendously bad luck. his career faced a major setback, his wife had a car accident, and their baby almost drowned in the bath &c. (ok, actually that was about it, but i JUST had to use those symbols "&c" cos they look so pro). so the owner decides to free the black cat, which was mewing copiously and pacing non-stop. and the owner also decides to stay up one night, to see what exactly was the black cat fighting. so he pulls a chair, hides upstairs with binoculars, and waits. much later, deep in the night, he sees it.

"it" being the Devil. (of course, what else were you expecting?) the owner also sees the black cat, which battles bravely with the Devil, keeping it away from the house. the cat leaps, and prances, and swipes, and scratches, and spits. finally, the Devil flees. but the Devil comes back often, not every night, but on many nights. and the black cat fights, he fights with his life. he fights to keep the Devil away from his owner's house. that's where all his injuries come from. the owner picks up the cat, who can barely stand. the black cat has lost an eye, a limb, and possibly suffered even worse internal damage. but the owner admits he is selfish. he lets the cat out every night. the black cat fights on, and looking at his wounds, he might probably only have a few weeks to live.

the end. that was one of the saddest stories i've ever read, maybe cos i don't read sad stories often. but of course, i haven't done it justice and you should go pick up a copy and read it youself. being the naive and innocent person i am, i could only think, how can that man possibly be so selfish that he sacrifices a brave life for his own safety?!?! what the ^@$%!&!!! how foolish of me. of course it's possible, it's human nature after all.

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