Wednesday, December 5, 2007

and here are the photos from prom! in order of importance, starting from my dearest mommy! haha just kidding. there were too many photos really, so i chose those that i look okay in, and those with proper lighting. a lot of my photos were too dark to see anything much la! Nooo!

I'm taller than my mom! see for yourself!

The gluttons in the hotel room, number 5272 (yeah that's right, we stayed on the 52nd floor! too cool! the view was amazing.) starting from me in the bottom right, going clockwise is ah meng, siqian, meifen, melho and hongyi!

Table 33! our cool tablemates! starting from me again (then who else?!) and clockwise is melho, siqian, ahmeng, dali, gerard, beedict who can't resist being -_-, marcus, xinrui, benjaja, mf and hongyi.

Class photo! 07S06S! okay, it kinda isn't exactly a CLASS photo, since some of the CLASS members were MIA, but more than 75% attendance qualifies it as a "CLASS" photo! by the way, the poor guy who helped us with the photo-taking must've gotten hand muscle cramps, he had to take us possibly 15 times over! with 15 diff cameras!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! although the tree looks a bit bare.

the sign, directing us lost sheep into the ballroom. by the way, what kind of theme is that?! Once upon a december?! huh?! wha?! rrrrright...

wow who's that good-looker!? LOL! okay i joke. that's me, cos me mom wanted a full-length shot of me. i swear! it wasn't my ego that wanted this photo taken! and thanks again to Glo for the dress! it's really v v v v v v v v v v veeeeeery nice!

Gluttons shot with kristel and joanna, sorta like a mini RGS 409 class reunion!

I couldn't resist putting this up. posef's doing some weird pout, or maybe he was going to yawn. HAHA

from the right, siqian, sumin and me!

and from the right again, mengyuan, preet and me! preetha's outfit is cool.

bel, mf and me! bel looks terribly happy, grin until like that!

Half of Iceburn! yishan, yiling and me. kar wei didn't go for prom. and xin miao and nicole were uncontactable. sigh. it would've been great to take an Iceburn photo. yishan looks so mature la! she looks like someone's wife, probably a rich man's wife, cos she looks high-class! haha.

and the 6S gluttons! wooh, i feel so tall! sorry, i couldn't resist.

and with THAT, we have come to the end of our presentation. we shall now have a Q & A session where we can answer any of your queries. haha, i kid. i have a sense of humour, you know. really. anyway, everyone looked good that night! it definitely was a night to remember.

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