Sunday, November 18, 2007

is it wrong to dislike stupid people?

if you do, does it not imply that you suppose yourself intellectually superior and hence, being in a position to look down on the inferior? that would be downright egoistic and mean.

but it doesn't take a brain surgeon to differentiate between a dimwit and a bright spark! so maybe you don't have to think you're smart to hate stupid people. but you still would be mean i guess. will you?

stupid pple can avoid being stupid right? just get their act together to be more acute and shrewd! or can't they? they wouldn't know they're being stupid, or maybe they've tried being smart but failed horribly.

the point is, i think i'm being egoistic and mean. because i dislike someone for being stupid. it's probably wrong. but i can't help it! i mean, the person is REALLY REALLY dense sometimes. the things that person does! really! i can't say what la.

but my conscience is getting to me! i'm not supposed to dislike stupid people! right? because i'm not exactly spankingly brilliant either! argh, to hell with morals.

ok maybe not. i shall learn to control myself. CONTROL. and be more humble maybe.

by the way, on a totally different topic, i think i'm losing my sense of humour. not that i can't crack jokes anymore, but i can't seem to laugh or smile sometimes. when people joke around or make light conversations, it's tiring sometimes to drag the corners of my mouth into a smile or to force a convincing "Haha" out. this problem only applies to certain people though, some of my acquaintances. used to smile or laugh more around these people, but not anymore. oh boy. MAYBE it's cos the things they say aren't as interesting as before! maybe they're losing their sense of humour too! in that they can't crack funny jokes anymore. i certainly hope so. i don't wanna turn into a dull sour-faced person.

by the by, i will be churning out a list of things i wanna do after As! i know you guys will probably steal my ideas, since they're so bloody brilliant! haha. and i remembered that i owe this blog family dedications. so i shall dedicate (haha) some of my time after the last paper to write dedications (haha).

P.S.: ya i think i'm losing my sense of humour in that other sense (haha). my jokes and puns are getting worse. i even have to add (haha)s to direct the audience to laugh. oh boy. i need inspiration. divine intervention ad inspiration. oh god. i'm turning into one of those uncle-at-the-family-reunions-who-thinks-he's-the-

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