Tuesday, October 23, 2007

ok i FINALLY found a picture of the elusive cemetery, and even then, they must have forgotten to name it. see that humongous light grey patch above the University? yep, you got it. and whoopee dee, the residential college i'm applying to lies along that yellow line Royal Parade, in between the cemetery and the campus.

wow, talk about exciting campus life!

but anyways, it's still cool to be able to stay in one of the residential colleges! esp since i'm applying to International House, where 60% of the population are from countries other than Australia! i can meet people from ALLLLLL over the World! heh, i can imagine ah meng thinking along the lines of hot guys from which countries! HAHA, just kidding! (not).

and here's something interesting, i bet us gluttons have very different ideas on which countries GENERALLY have the best-looking guys. ok this is purely recreational and definitely superficial, but it sure is interesting!

here's a list of what i think the GLC members have in mind:
Hongyi - Korea, definitely!
Meifen - France? Spain? surely some European country!
Melho - hmm, this is hard.... but i'm thinking, maybe US, bcos of Brad Pitt. haha!
Mengyuan - definitely a latin american country! or maybe France too
Siqian - this is hard too... er.... Asian? maybe... Japan or Korea? lol, i'm not sure!

glutts, please feel free to flood my tagboard with numerous protests.

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