Monday, November 26, 2007

you know what? i think animals are a gazillion katrillion bajillion times CUTER than any other living beings on Earth, including babies, kids, aliens etc etc. really! just look above and you'll know perfectly what i mean.

right? RIGHT! i knew it.



anyways, today was a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays.
rating: 2.74.
i woke up at 7.34am today, rolled around the bed for several minutes in utter annoyance at my screwed-up internal body clock, stopped rolling so that i could try to fall back asleep, managed to fall back asleep, woke up again at 10.57am, had breakfast, entertained the ever-attention-seeking Atlas, cooked lunch, had lunch, slouched around the house looking for dust particles to catch or mosquitoes to annihilate, started work on the hostel applications, gave up a while later, went down to walk Atlas, learnt how to cook grandmother-licious fried rice, had dinner, watched Pride and Prejudice until i got so yawningly bored, went up to complete my applications, pondered over the meaning of life and death, rejoiced at completing the applications finally.

and THAT my friends, is a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays. if you ever want to experience a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays, come and look for me to tell you how to enjoy a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays because i know best what a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays is like.

see, i told you i was bored.


oh crap, i still have a scholarship application to complete. dang. but closing date is 9th dec, hehe, can slowly do. plus, it's just a 500 word essay.. so i'm free to...stone for the rest of the time till the 9th. how great..



i can't wait to go for my overseas vacation! i'm already dragging out all my winter clothes and taking stock of what i'll need! haha, even though i'm only leaving on the 13th. but even though i'm raring to go, i feel sad that the 2 weeks spent overseas is 2 weeks less of seeing my grandmother and being with Atlas. these are the 2 loved ones i feel the worst leaving in Feb next year. my parents and brother have their work or studies to attend to, so they might probably have less mind space to worry about me.

sacrifices sacrifices. i have to sacrifice so much to study what i am passionate about because i am unable to study the course here at home. so many reasons to stay, but just one reason to go. unfortunately, that one reason speaks out louder, compelling me to leave what i have behind and strike a path into unknown territory, possibly to gain more than what i previously had. this is the time to be brave! i feel like a mariner of ancient times, poring over dusty maps, peering at compass needles and observing the constellations at night. a brave explorer traversing boundaries and discovering new lands.

alright, enough of this. i'm off to bed. and to Children of Hurin by JRR Tolkien, my companion for the next few hours probably. it's a spankingly good book, so get it if you can!

by the way, did i mention that christmas is coming so Merry Christmas one and all? i didn't? okay, here goes..


PS: christmas is, i think, my favourite holiday. which might sound stupid, considering i'm not Christian. but i love everything about this day and what it inspires in people!

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