Thursday, October 25, 2007

I am really tired.
Just exhausted and drawn out, like a ductile metal that's been pulled into a wire.
Feeling really thin and feeble.

My productivity has sunk to an all-time low, just like the US dollar which has hit rock-bottom.
Unlike the US dollar's depreciation, nobody's celebrating any low inflation for me.
Prices still continue to stay high for me because the exams are looming closer, and the opportunity costs of not being able to study and concentrate has risen to an alarming magnitude.

The probability of me failing any subject is a maximum of 1, and a minimum of zero. And between you and me, the range from 0 to 1 is tiny as hell! I could crash and burn, so easily. The odds are stacked against me! And the graphic calculator sketches out my possible fates, a curve that stretches on to infinity, tending to zero. As time runs out nearer the exams, so many outcomes could emerge.

And as the tables turn against me, positions shift. new positions of equilibriums are attained, but how has the yield changed? have i churned out more prelim papers and memorised more notes? or has the yield fallen? only continuous methods to measure rates of reactions, and the rate itself, will deem if the time spent can yield rewards.

erm, what other subject is left? GP and lit? ahh forget it! this is taking up too much time, i'm off to study now.

Note to self: Get outside and get some fresh air. Will help maintain sanity.

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