Monday, August 13, 2007




is monday.

lol, i would love to see your face after reading that.

anyways, today's the day after the looong break. and it was kinda sian yet kinda fun to be back in school. (oh no, did i just say FUN?!?!?)
and i listened to The Great Escape thrice, i swear i'll never get sick of that song.
for those who've been living under a big rock, at the bottom of the deepest ocean, surrounded by towering mountains, in a planet light years away from ours, here's a little bit of the lyrics from the song:

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight

Idealistic and impractical, yes, but still, one can always hope.
and the drums at the start of the song are OOH-WEEE sweeeeet!
damn nice! i feel like learning to play the drums now, although i'm not particularly gifted musically, at least i was blessed with substantial hand-eye coordination. unlike some people. (i'm not talking about you la! don't be so paranoid!)

sooo, at the end of school, i had a really weird feeling. that it was actually fun to be in school. (just shoot me, please)
but really, somehow...argh, it's hard to express oneself sometimes, i can't imagine why some are willing to die fighting for the freedom to do so.
the point is, perhaps, just perhaps...... i'm losing my mind from all the studying! horrors!!
ok i kid, the real point is, perhaps school CAN BE fun la. ok i won't elaborate anymore, students everywhere will be dying to banish me to social hell when they read this.

oh before i forget, me and siqian and ah meng were kinda mean about a particular person for whining incessantly through a particular medium. and i realised i was wrong about condemning that person. because i too, like any other human, feel the temptation to use 'the particular medium' to b*tch about things, people or miscellaneous events. as i have demonstrated in my earlier post. so i take back my words (which requires tremendous humility by the way) and repent.

anyways, today we had the vampire (a.k.a. a certain tutor we have). and i recalled a certain incident, involving a rather amusing rendition of a national song. and i'm sorry to say that, ah meng, if all vampires sang the way he did, people would be begging to be drained dry as fast as possible. so your fantasy isn't quite as romantic as you want it to be anymore. HAHA.

i shall stop misusing digital space anymore, and end this post.

but not before i say this.



TOMORROW IS.........


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