Thursday, August 23, 2007

right, i've decided to be kind on thine eyes again and post a nice vision-friendly picture. isn't the tree cool?!

i saw it on vacation last year.


ok that picture was totally random, and now i have nothing else to comment about.
well let's see, today, was a typical rating-3 type of day. except that someone sorta pissed me off. my conscience tells me i shouldn't continue this strand of discussion, but obviously the temptation to WAY overrides it.
i'm sure you guys are all too acquainted with this particular culprit. he's like hongyi's "favourite" person, and mel also has a "great" impression of him. dunno what meifen thinks though.
ANYWAYS, every time he (ahem ahem, censorship enforcement) , he'll give this damn QIAN BIAN smirk which i have a tremendous urge to wipe off immediately by brute force.
ok i think only tsai and ahmeng will get it.. anyway i was annoyed at how some people are so immature that they think it's a humongous joke to make fun of people about these kind of things. it truly isn't even entertaining in the least bit.
ok la, i shall stop whining la. whining serves no purpose except to take up space in this already very long post.
soooo, changing topics, i was just thinking. ( "SHOULD I.....?" lol, the weird 98.7 morning show segment. i remember some freaky dude called in to complete the sentence with ".. go crazy and kill everyone?" (or smt along those lines). what the hell la! i'm sure you call in to a national radio station and say that! what is the world coming to?!
it's quite sad really. that some people become like this. OKAY i know i'm saying it quite unsympathetically, MAYBE they have some underlying problems with their family or friends or whatever, MAYBE they had a bad experience, MAYBE they're just born this way and they can't help it. but i think there's no need to get so melodramatic as though the whole world revolved around you, and if you sneezed, everyone should catch the cold.
i mean, just because you have a problem doesn't mean you have the right or justification to act oh-so disturbed and twisted and tormented. face it, humans aren't meant to feel so many emotions at once, neither are they capable of emotions at such great magnitude. yeah that's right. what you see here is MELODRAMA, poking you right in the ribs, so take note of it.
some people should just learn to get a life. and i don't mean it in a dismissive way (of course not! i can feel sympathy too y'know!). i mean, REALLY REALLY get a life, or rather LIVE life. like just take a step back and think," woah, i'm actually a living being in this place called Earth. i'm breathing, walking, talking, existing. hmm, i wonder what happens when i press this butto.... ARGGGHHHH!!!" lol, JUST KIDDING.
what i wanted to say is that, really, there are much MUCH better things in life to do than emo away your time, and angst yourself to death. indulging youself in self-pity only irritates others at best, and destroys yourself at worst. there's so much more to life.

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