Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Beginnings of the end

ALRIGHT! this is my inaugural address to anyone foolish enough to read this blog, and if by now, your eyes are still travelling across the words on this screen, either your IQ is dangerously low or you urgently need medical help.

but for those who persist on subjecting themselves to this perturbing torture of reading about my horrendously drab and humdrum life, welcome!


ok here it is. i have decided, against all odds and logical reason, to start a blog. this is considering the fact that i am fully aware that in six months (probably less), i will surrender and relieve myself of the chore of typing every single incident that has happened to me, every single hour of the day, every single day of the week. forgive me, i am human, and the inherent traits of any sentient being, including indolence and procrastination, exist within me.

But, ignore all that hogwash above, and i shall attempt to chronicle the milestones in my extraordinary life. so please, stay tuned to this plot of digital land in our cyber world for a sorely inadequate view of my life.

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