Tuesday, August 7, 2007

soo today is the eve of national day and i'm stuck at home. honestly, J2 life is one that is seriously not worth living. ok, i kid. underaged and unsupervised children, committing suicide is a sin and you can't try again once you've got it wrong.

but really, to all J2s, think of ALLLLL the things you've missed out on because you were studying for countless tests and completing innumerable tutorials and revision exercises. let me name a few - loitering around orchard, watching weekly movies, playing tennis, shopping, and most importantly, the recommended daily dose of 8 hours of sleep by medical professionals everywhere who probably have no life. that's why they think people can afford to be unconscious 8 hours of the day.

back to the point. i think J2 life is really a period of intense suffering that scours and burnishes your character. some J2s succumb, falling into the pits of academic doom, while others somehow (not by hard work, but purely by immense luck) manage to build a bridge across these pits of doom, which incidentally contain raging infernos of inferiority complex and parental disappointment, to survive. but of course, these people emerge with terrible burns and scars, or at least, complications arising from smoke inhalation. however capable you are, or rather, however lucky you are, the point is, YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE UNSCATHED FROM THE A LEVELS.

of course, as with every problem or adversity, surely there must be a solution. in some cases, the solution comes easily. in others, you first have to tear off all your hair or watch them all turn white, suffer severe brain damage or eye damage from late-night mugging, endure health hazards like constipation (cos studying annoys you so much your butt cheeks invariably clamp shut) or malnutrition (when practising 100 intergration questions makes you lose your appetite), before you mysteriously stumble upon a solution that you realised was actually at the back of the TYS just that that page happened to be torn off by some moron who borrowed your TYS two month ago and fyi didn't return it until you hounded him for several weeks.

then taking a look at that answer page, which of course is from another's friend's TYS thanks to that idiot who for some unbeknownst reason started avoiding me after i verbally abused him, you realise that the answer to the terrible conundrum of the As is..... 42.

haha, JUST joking. what i'm really trying to say is this, whatever happens to you during this turbulent trial, the 2 most important things are that you are still a human being and that time is still passing. add these two together and you get a solution that you should be perfectly contented with. a human's life is 80 years, J2s are roughly 18 years old, father time hasn't gone AWOL and is still turning the clock. even if you screw up the As, there are still years and years for you to live out. what difference does it make if you get rock-bottom grades? does it matter if you don't get your dream job because of your atrocious results? so what if your friends outperformed you in, say, all the subjects? you are still alive and you definitely lived your life better than those muggers who are ridiculously lacking a social life. when your A levels is over, you should be thinking, I studied, of course i did, but i lived a human's life too, unlike those filthy muggers who cramp 10 hours of study a day and look all pale and unhealthy from lack of sunlight.

and so, your grades aren't everything. enjoy the other beautiful things in life (NO, not those big red letter As on your scripts) like the sky, the trees, music, movies, sports . think of the big picture, and maybe, just maybe, you might see the face of the loser who tore out the page from my TYS. (yeah, you better watch out, i'm telling you)

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