Friday, August 31, 2007

sighh, i'm avoiding the dreaded Monetary Policy notes, so i'm here to bore my ardent readers with another spate of miscellaneous ramblings. i was just blog-hopping, and i noticed that teenagers nowadays are either really screwed or really melodramatic. ten out of ten of the blogs i read had posts that were either always complaining about the people around them, or complaining about their life, or complaining about their friends or school or WHATEVER. i mean, don't they ever feel happy or appreciate ANYTHING at all??!

i'm grateful for my existence on this Earth, for without it, i wouldn't even be typing on this computer, i wouldn't be learning things about myself and the world around me every minute, every day, i wouldn't experience breath-taking sights, beautiful music, delicious aromas and glorious tastes everywhere.

i'm grateful for what my parents have done to raise me, i'm grateful for my family and friends for moulding me into the person i am, grateful that i have a relatively comfortable life. grateful that i can read my favourite books, watch my favourite movies.

i think most importantly, i'm grateful for the fact that i can feel grateful at all! unlike many out there who are probably too consumed by their own myopia and self-indulgence to appreciate the greatest gift they can get. what's the use of having a life if you don't use it well?

is it really all that fun to be moaning and angsting about some problem you have, when you can just get over it and move on? so what if you think people are gossiping about you, so what if you think your friends don't understand you, so what if you think it's YOU against the WORLD? are these perspectives really valid or are you just blowing a lot of hot air?

think about it. you only have one life. after your time here ends, that's it. you're gone. erased off the face of this earth. you just cease to exist. no chance to regret what you've done. your time here on earth has ABSOLUTELY NO CONSEQUENCE at all! whatever you do here only matters to you as long as you live. so if you insist on making life miserable for yourself and others around you, you're just wasting the time you have here.

why not try something different for a change? instead of whining about things, try a little positive thinking. i'm sure you'll find your time more well-spent than incessant complaints. think about all the good things in life that you have and be thankful that you can enjoy these privileges while you're here.

seriously, the world has really gone astray. i admit that it might be hard for some to GROW UP in this hard world, but learn to do it fast and learn to do it now, because as you get older, things will not get better for you. there's no point in angsting and ruining your life as well as the lives of those who care for you. so to all ANGSTY, EMO, OR WHATEVER, TEENAGERS (although i doubt they will be reading this blog), heed this:

"In the time of your life, live — so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infinite delight and mystery of it." ~ William Saroyan

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