Saturday, August 25, 2007

rightio. here i am again, taking a break from the tedium of mugging for gp prelims. and i'll up some photos AGAIN! oh boy, seeing photos reminds me of the gp essay questions on mass media.. ARGHHHHH. of course, i shall post pics of happy things to make me forget about the looming exams.
here's one from my vacation in 2005:

and this happens to be an English toilet found smack in the middle of nowhere! it's damn cool la, all you have to do is pop in some coins (as you will in a vending machine) and the toilet door unlocks. then you can eagerly rush in to unload your bladder!
lol. sorry, i just had to post that.

and of course, something that excites everyone, especially us gluttons... FOOD!

and here's a one-legged pigeon!! ...oooh! ahhhh! .... until it put down its other foot.

and, saving the best for last, pics of Atlas! woohoo.

here he is, looking ri-donk-ulously CUTE.

that's him trying to be a war-horse. lol, i honestly don't ill-treat my dog!

him trying to find a comfortable head-rest. and obviously succeeding. i wonder whether he got a neck-ache when he woke up...

then he sleeps curling up into a tight ball. like a cat. he has some serious identity issues.

and then he daos me, preferring instead to face the christmas tree. bad choice dude! i look so much better. LOL. and of course, he's emo-ing, staring out into the distant lands, pondering on the meaning of life and existence.

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