Friday, November 30, 2007

These are from our Gluttons' outing to orchard!

Here's us at Xin Wang in cineleisure, with the 2 blur queens from left to right, Tsai Fish Ball and Fang Sotong. HAHA, but seriously, your expressions are priceless. siqian looks like she's whining about smt, hongyi looks like she's going to fall asleep with a smile on her face, and melho looks....surprise surprise....NORMAL! lol, JUST kidding. please don't boot me out!

Ah Meng and me... i mean, Ah Meng and I. (must speak proper England!). see, the two of us look so normal, and i look especially good !LOL!

siqian and hongyi may have ended their A level examinations, but they sure aren't gonna stop studying. they won't even spare the menus! lookit how terribly concentrated and focused they are!

the bo chap expressions on their faces are actually a facade. what they're thinking is "Eew, meifen's camera skills are bad" , "EEW, why do i look so weird" , "I'm hungry, but since the food isn't here, i shall pretend to look at the camera and swallow back the drool" , "Juline looks nice in that photo" etc etc.

And of course, the complete set of 6 Gluttons! shucks, i forgot our ranks. but from left to right, they are (okay, i'm doing this so that in future, the really really far future, in case we forgot who the gluttons were, we could always look here! ooooooh... ahhhh, so brilliant!)... anyway, back to the point, from left to right, meifen, siqian, hongyi, melissa, mengyuan and me!

anyways, the outing was great. it was terrific to be back in orchard, our old territory, after the As. walking around looking at stuff, listening to hongyi complaining that she's hungry and tired, mengyuan that her legs are aching etc etc, having lunch and dinner all together..... sigh, i'll miss the days, the legacy of the GLUTTONS' CLUB.
here's the pic of my pet lizard. i won't call it Lizzy, because that'd be plain corny PLUS i don't know if it's male or female (do lizards have genders in the first place?!).

From henceforth till forever more, it shalt be named................Cosymbotus Platyrus. or CosyPlat for short. CosyPlat. haha. actually, i don't even know if that name is the correct one. but it was the only one i could find, so get over it.

Monday, November 26, 2007

you know what? i think animals are a gazillion katrillion bajillion times CUTER than any other living beings on Earth, including babies, kids, aliens etc etc. really! just look above and you'll know perfectly what i mean.

right? RIGHT! i knew it.



anyways, today was a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays.
rating: 2.74.
i woke up at 7.34am today, rolled around the bed for several minutes in utter annoyance at my screwed-up internal body clock, stopped rolling so that i could try to fall back asleep, managed to fall back asleep, woke up again at 10.57am, had breakfast, entertained the ever-attention-seeking Atlas, cooked lunch, had lunch, slouched around the house looking for dust particles to catch or mosquitoes to annihilate, started work on the hostel applications, gave up a while later, went down to walk Atlas, learnt how to cook grandmother-licious fried rice, had dinner, watched Pride and Prejudice until i got so yawningly bored, went up to complete my applications, pondered over the meaning of life and death, rejoiced at completing the applications finally.

and THAT my friends, is a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays. if you ever want to experience a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays, come and look for me to tell you how to enjoy a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays because i know best what a typical boring day in the life of a student during the school holidays is like.

see, i told you i was bored.


oh crap, i still have a scholarship application to complete. dang. but closing date is 9th dec, hehe, can slowly do. plus, it's just a 500 word essay.. so i'm free to...stone for the rest of the time till the 9th. how great..



i can't wait to go for my overseas vacation! i'm already dragging out all my winter clothes and taking stock of what i'll need! haha, even though i'm only leaving on the 13th. but even though i'm raring to go, i feel sad that the 2 weeks spent overseas is 2 weeks less of seeing my grandmother and being with Atlas. these are the 2 loved ones i feel the worst leaving in Feb next year. my parents and brother have their work or studies to attend to, so they might probably have less mind space to worry about me.

sacrifices sacrifices. i have to sacrifice so much to study what i am passionate about because i am unable to study the course here at home. so many reasons to stay, but just one reason to go. unfortunately, that one reason speaks out louder, compelling me to leave what i have behind and strike a path into unknown territory, possibly to gain more than what i previously had. this is the time to be brave! i feel like a mariner of ancient times, poring over dusty maps, peering at compass needles and observing the constellations at night. a brave explorer traversing boundaries and discovering new lands.

alright, enough of this. i'm off to bed. and to Children of Hurin by JRR Tolkien, my companion for the next few hours probably. it's a spankingly good book, so get it if you can!

by the way, did i mention that christmas is coming so Merry Christmas one and all? i didn't? okay, here goes..


PS: christmas is, i think, my favourite holiday. which might sound stupid, considering i'm not Christian. but i love everything about this day and what it inspires in people!

before you wonder aloud what exactly has gotten me in such a delighted mood, i shall proudly announce that i have completed (yes!) my application to the hostel of my choice!


haha of course i'm exaggerating, but seriously, the form i had to fill in for the application is really long, and i wanted to complete it REALLY REALLY well because if i don't get into this hostel, i'm dead.

yes, dead. dead as a...heap of decaying bones.

because i wouldn't have anywhere to stay, and i'd have to rent an apartment. then i'd die of starvation probably, because i haven't learnt how to cook anything besides instant noodles and pasta. or i might die of suffocation or respiratory complications, because i have no inclination whatsoever towards keeping my apartment spotless, and the dust and dirt will probably kill me before i die of starvation. OR i might die because i forgot to turn of the stove or kettle, and the whole place might burn down. OR i might even die of loneliness staying in a 3-room apartment all by my lonesome.

sigh, how easy it is to end a human life! one can die of so many things, but there is only one way to live.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

i hope your turkey doesn't do this!
well well, christmas is coming! in approximately 29 days.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

is it wrong to dislike stupid people?

if you do, does it not imply that you suppose yourself intellectually superior and hence, being in a position to look down on the inferior? that would be downright egoistic and mean.

but it doesn't take a brain surgeon to differentiate between a dimwit and a bright spark! so maybe you don't have to think you're smart to hate stupid people. but you still would be mean i guess. will you?

stupid pple can avoid being stupid right? just get their act together to be more acute and shrewd! or can't they? they wouldn't know they're being stupid, or maybe they've tried being smart but failed horribly.

the point is, i think i'm being egoistic and mean. because i dislike someone for being stupid. it's probably wrong. but i can't help it! i mean, the person is REALLY REALLY dense sometimes. the things that person does! really! i can't say what la.

but my conscience is getting to me! i'm not supposed to dislike stupid people! right? because i'm not exactly spankingly brilliant either! argh, to hell with morals.

ok maybe not. i shall learn to control myself. CONTROL. and be more humble maybe.

by the way, on a totally different topic, i think i'm losing my sense of humour. not that i can't crack jokes anymore, but i can't seem to laugh or smile sometimes. when people joke around or make light conversations, it's tiring sometimes to drag the corners of my mouth into a smile or to force a convincing "Haha" out. this problem only applies to certain people though, some of my acquaintances. used to smile or laugh more around these people, but not anymore. oh boy. MAYBE it's cos the things they say aren't as interesting as before! maybe they're losing their sense of humour too! in that they can't crack funny jokes anymore. i certainly hope so. i don't wanna turn into a dull sour-faced person.

by the by, i will be churning out a list of things i wanna do after As! i know you guys will probably steal my ideas, since they're so bloody brilliant! haha. and i remembered that i owe this blog family dedications. so i shall dedicate (haha) some of my time after the last paper to write dedications (haha).

P.S.: ya i think i'm losing my sense of humour in that other sense (haha). my jokes and puns are getting worse. i even have to add (haha)s to direct the audience to laugh. oh boy. i need inspiration. divine intervention ad inspiration. oh god. i'm turning into one of those uncle-at-the-family-reunions-who-thinks-he's-the-
I have a pet lizard. Here he (at least i THINK it's a 'he') is...

Nah just kidding. My real pet lizard isn't an iguana, he's just a common house lizard. He likes camping out on my toilet window like a sniper, waiting for stupid flies to get attracted to the light and landing on the glass. Then he picks them off one by one like... flies. He's a little on skinny side, think he expends more energy climbing up to the window then he gets from eating stupid flies. Or maybe stupid flies don't contain much nutrition.

ANYWAYS, i'll get a photo up soon. He's cute.

and lookee what i found lurking in a cupboard at home. Pics of lil ol' me from eons ago.

i never knew i was so cute. no actually, i knew. HAHA! and i know you're dying to say it so i'll say it for you, so why do you look like that now?! haha. i love kangaroos. and lizards. and myself. lol, kidding la.

and look what else is in santa's sack! pics of atlas. okaaay, santa's a little early this year round.

i think he think he's got a cute butt. i think he DOES have a cute butt. but (haha) he really does look cute when he sits with his back facing pple cos pets usually like facing places where there's civilisation and lotsa activity.

wondering what captured his attention?

what else!? the poor bone was trying to escape, but only got as far as the carpet when it was spotted and consequently chewed up. it knew it had slim chances of making it out alive.

hehe. atlas can seriously sleep. he can even sleep when i put a piece of apple in front of his nose la. what kinda sniffer dog is that?! labs are supposed to have a superb sense of smell! apparently atlas isn't a lab. just in disguise probably.

woohoo, it's the last paper! there's so many things i wanna do! i hope i have the willpower to do them, instead of slacking and lazing around at home!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

okaaay, i suppose it's cheating if you type smt and come back later on to change it. it's like trying to conceal your true thoughts and feelings by altering what was said. BUT i DID change smt, not gonna tell you what though. because i was probably being idiotic when i typed it. but never mind.

yay, 3 more papers to go! this has been one of the toughest period, i admit, in my entire academic career. and i admit again, that i probably didn't work as hard as i should, thanks to some good news that came early. but i'm too tired to care about it anymore! too tired because i've been studying almost non-stop since september for the prelims, and i'm bloody sick of looking at my notes, especially econs. the science subjects are still quite ok, cos they can be interesting. but econs.... just kills me. i swear it does. i'm looking forward to 4.15 pm today, when i finally get to say adios to all my economic knowledge for good. don't tell me that i should keep useful economics knowledge bcos they come in handy in future. i absolutely detest economics and politics, my two most hated....arenas in life. i will expound on why i loathe these 2 realms in future, maybe. right now, i'm off to study for (oh joy) the econs case studies.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I'm an elitist brat.

yeah i am.
today, in the car on the way home after maths paper 2, Brendan asked me, "So how was the paper?"
Me: "ok la..."
Brendan: "what? just ok? maths is the paper you're supposed to score in you know!"

and so the elitist nature of mine (the dark forces) kicked in, and this train of thought made its way through my mind - Rrrright, i don't need you to tell me that. Y'know, for pple from our school, the benchmark is full marks, and it's a competition to see who loses the least marks to get a perfect score, not to see who earns more marks.

oh boy. this is one of the elitist thoughts that have invaded my mind since, i think, the beginning of the year. another elitist comment i made was something along the lines of "most of the students from our school surely get A for the A levels la, because it's benchmarked against other people in the same cohort" !!! now THAT is an elitist caught red-handed.

sigh. that was just a random confession of mine. one consolation though, i'm probably not alone in this mentality! which is actually not supposed to be a good thing. oh well.

and to veer off to a topic wholly and utterly unconnected to its predecessor, you know how people always say the grass is always greener on the other side? so i was just thinking, maybe people all see things differently. not as in mindset, beliefs, values, attitudes blah blah blah, but really physically, tangibly, differently. like one person can see a colour in a certain shade, and another sees the exact same colour but feels it's of another shade. or maybe you see a square black box that's a tv, and someone else sees something else, like perhaps it a sort of cube with slightly more angular faces.

ok, this is hard to describe and put in words. but (hopefully) you get the idea. ok, who am i kidding, you probably don't know what the Hell i'm saying, cos neither do i honestly.

by the way, i miss cooking. i miss tinkering around the kitchen, shopping for ingredients, trawling the net for recipes. one of the first things i shall do after As is to cook a REALLY REALLY fantastic pasta, followed by a REALLY REALLY wonderful dessert. and to wash it all down, i'm considering, either a cocktail or a mixed fruit juice or tea infusion, or maybe even all three. sounds nice? yeah man, hee hee, i can't wait. ooh, i could do a soup! maybe a seafood soup, lobster bisque, onion soup in french style, orrrr....... a minestrone? so many options so little time!

just a side note, before you think i'm a brilliant cook or smt, please revise your thoughts.

ANYWAYSSS, on to newer topics. i'm done with maths and gp for life. wow. it's amazing how times seems to pass so fast once you look back on it! it seems to pass ten times slower while you're in the midst of things. it's like you're operating at a different time universe, or whatever you call it. but yeah, (almost) 18 years of my life has passed! that's like, just a nearly 2 decades!! haha. 2 decades?!?! and what have i done with my life?!!? i've not saved a life yet! or did any noble laudable deeds! or climbed Mt Everest! or swum the English Channel! or won a Nobel! or...... wait a sec. this seems wrong. i'm judging my life's worth by things like these, awards, recognition... weeeell, what's a true measurement of how well you've spent your time anyways? sheesh.

and again with the veering off track. today we commemorate just over 2 months of non-stop mugging! from prelims till now. i have officially been buried under books, with my nose held against the Grindstone of Enlightenment, for nearly 70 days!! it's the first time i've studied so much in me (worthless, as earlier concluded) life! and it's just 2 weeks away to ultimate freedom! it's true what they say, that you never feel joy/freedom/amusement till you've experienced grief/imprisonment/boredom. all of us J2 will really get to taste freedom, and i mean real FREEDOM, in a little while. it's times like these that i can feel the camaraderie and fellow brothers-in-arms (that came out in gp!), everyone else at the bar counter with a beer mug commiserating. haha, ok that's absurd. but really, in 2 weeks' time, we'll all be new people. the free people of junior colleges. that sounds like some patriotic proclamation you here at a political rally, haha. okaaay, i can tell you're not amused. again, my humour fails me.

and in case you haven't realise (in which case you're really dimwitted), i'm extremely bored and i've started to ramble. which is actually quite good for my lit paper on monday. it's always good to ramble in any essay, especially lit essays. the more you ramble, the more the marker loses track of your poor argument or shoddy point, and the more likely he will just give up marking the script and give you a pass grade. but i digress. what i wanted to say was, next week is a crazy week!

monday - lit in the morning, physics in the afternoon
tuesday - chemistry in the morning, econs in the afternoon
wednesday - econs
thursday - try to heal the cramping muscles in my right hand
friday - chemistry

tell me that's crazy! it really is! especially thursday's schedule, that really sucks.

and benedict just ask me about the maths p & c question, involving stupid married couples standing in a stupid circle. who the Hell forces married couples to stand in circles so that we can do calculations on them?! that's just a crock of crap. anyways, i think i lost the most marks in that question. i probably lost all the marks in that question. probably. but actually, discussing it was quite interesting, it's almost like a philosophy question. lol. small wonder why ancient philosophers dabbled in mathematics too. ok, i just made up that statistic, but i have a feeling it's true. anyways, i'm off to draw circles and calculate the number of possible arrangements for stupid couples to stand.

cya, and all the best for the remaining papers.