Thursday, September 13, 2007

right, i just realised i've been contradicting myself on many accounts in my posts. sometimes i sympathise with troubled people, sometimes i don't. sometimes i believe in an afterlife, and sometimes i don't. sometimes i practise what i preach, and sometimes i'm just plain hypocritical. oh well, so i apologise. for being human.

in the meantime i shall continue to be a bundle of contradictions, oxymorons and conundrums.

but anyways, it's one week into the prelims! i dunno what the HECK i'm doing here on the com since there's still half the papers left! aww shucks, i deserve a leeetle break. heh. then i shall go back and immerse myself in the cosmically exciting and wondrous world of maths. oh joy.

soo, even as i'm prepping to type something so curiously incisive and extraordinarily brilliant, my genius fails me. AS USUAL. once again i run out of things to say. it's hard to talk sometimes y'know. have you tried sitting in one place with one person for hours and hours and racking your BRAINS to come up with something that doesn't make you sound dull or just plain weird? can't talk about the weather (cos you're indoors), can't talk about the scenery either. anything interesting happened recently? not really. dammit.

see. it's hard to talk sometimes. it used to be much harder, but i picked up skills and techniques along the way. Wow, that's a nice phone. What model is it? I've always wanted ..... but because.... so i got...... instead. Ya precisely! I think Nokia phones are better to use but Sony Ericsson and LG phones sometimes look soo much better.... Of course the iPhone's cool! But it's probably just the branding that's got everyone so worked up. Did you see the latest Sony ads on TV? Supposed to be some breakthrough in computer graphics effects, but it doesn't look anything miraculous!

so, i conclude. sometimes when you find it the hardest to speak, don't. don't rack your brains to come up with some funny anecdote or overused tale. just sit quietly till the urge to speak totally overwhelms you and a torrent of words flow out of your mouth like a person who hasn't shat in ten days but recently ingested massive amounts of prunes and bananas. then the person you've been sitting with will probably think you're boring or just plain weird. so the topic will probably change to the weather or scenery, or maybe how nice it is to be sitting here talking as though we were old chums.

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