Thursday, September 6, 2007

As of 5th Sept 2007, 9.30am, I am officially fasiculation-free! yeah man! my stress-relief methods worked after all. for those who need to relieve anxiety and stress, feel free to ask me and i will magnanimously divulge SOME of my secret methods.

and again, i have another confession to make.

I am deathly afraid......

Afraid of being made use of, then being thrown aside like some forgotten and unwanted piece of junk. i'm also afraid that people try to cosy up to me and act all chummy just for personal gains when they don't really mean it. even if they're truly well-intentioned, i just get this nagging feeling that perhaps they're after something else, like something i have and they don't. oh well, one of life's hard lessons i guess. that many humans aren't at all trustworthy and some are not even worth knowing.

but fortunately, life IS sometimes fair. you get rotten eggs? no matter! just use them to hurl at that pesky neighbour of yours! bottomline is, with fairweathered friends and treacherous pals, there comes a generous serving of well-meaning and kind folks out there too! like you gluttons i guess. and possibly more, some people i know, teammates, friends, classmates and definitely family and relatives.

oh well. maybe i'm just catching at dust particles or chasing mosquitoes, and being paranoid.

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