Monday, September 3, 2007

ok i realised that i'm quite an intolerant person sometimes, especially towards those that i can't seem to make sense of. so i shall TRY to be more tolerant and APPRECIATE the differences existing between humans.

ANYWAYS, i'm back here again to publicise BSB's latest song INCONSOLABLE !!!!!! their album is coming out in october! but i think Kevin has left the band, NoOOOOooOOoOo! sigh, good things always come to an end, which seems to occur at approximately ten times the speed bad things come to their end. oh weeell, that's life.

on friday, us gluttons finally had FULL attendance for our outing! haha, i realised a while ago.. except that 4 of us had to rush off to watch ratatouille. and by the way, i forgot to say this also. the sandwich i had was super nice! the cheese steak meltdown or something like that. right, meifen?

ok that's besides the point. the reason i'm here is that my cheek muscle has been twitching constantly for about 9 hours 28 mins since last night. i checked it up, to make sure it wasn't like some potentially fatal disease or something. (ok i'm paranoid, i know)

this is what the all-knowing Wikipedia said:
A fasciculation (or "muscle twitch") is a small, local, involuntary muscle contraction (twitching) visible under the skin arising from the spontaneous discharge of a bundle of skeletal muscle fibers.
Stimulants can cause fasciculations directly. These include caffeine, pseudoephedrine (Sudafed®), and the asthma bronchodilators albuterol/salbutamol (e.g. Proventil®, Combivent®, Ventolin®). Fasciculation also often occurs during a rest period after sustained stress, such as that brought on by unconsciously tense muscles. Reducing stress and anxiety is therefore another useful treatment.

this is living proof that i'm mugging TOO hard, and drinking TOO much coffee and tea. which is why i'm here now, trying to " reduce stress and anxiety" and drinking lots of water. in the meantime, my cheek muscle is still involuntarily twitching, and i shall post here again to inform you of the effectiveness of my stress-relief.

and i was just trawling through the wikipedia site one day when i discovered these. Epitaphs from the graves of famous people. here are some i like!

Nikos Kazantzakis (by himself)
"Then elpizo tipota. The fovamai tipota. Eimai eleftheros." ("Δεν ελπιζω τιποτα. Δε φοβαμαι τιποτα. Είμαι ελευθερος")
Translation: "I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free."

Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty I'm Free At Last."
Lyrics of an old Negro Spiritual he frequently quoted.

"Never born, Never died: visited the planet earth between December 11, 1931 and, January 19, 1990."

then of course, there are the funny ones.

"Blimey it's darker than I thought in here."
"No man can hold his breath for ten minutes."
"What you lookin' at?"
"You're standing on my head."
"Rover was a true friend and pet, but ran in thunderstorms when wet."
"Not dead only sleeping, buried me anyway. Unlucky."
"I finished before you in the human race."
"Anyone want to swap places?"
"Thank you for reading this grave now bugger off!"
"Let me out!"

Peter Ustinov (suggested by himself) - 1921-2004
"Do not walk on the grass"

Harry Edsel Smith (unknown) -
"Looked up the elevator shaftTo seeIf the car was on the way down.It was."

Matthew Mudd (unknown) from Massachusetts:
"Here lies Matthew Mudd,Death did him no hurt;When alive he was only Mudd,But now he's only dirt."

Werner Heisenberg (unknown)
"He lies here, somewhere."

Ludwig Boltzmann (by himself) - 1844-1906
"S = k log W"

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