Saturday, November 22, 2008

we are the race that is doomed to failure, doomed to extinction and doomed to chaos, calamity, disrepair and any other noun that describes such melancholy, despondency and anguish.

we were created to uncreate ourselves. our every mode of living pushes us closer to our eventual and impending death. were we not meant to suffer and toil towards the imminent roll of expiration and clap of oblivion? the knell tolls for our passing, and the wind excites the dust of our remains. the curtains are drawing to a close, the finale is nigh.

now is probably the right time for me to explain this sudden unexplained bout of gloom and laughable attempt at going goth.

why? because the clouds are thick, dark and heavy, and i can hear thunder growling deeply outside. WHICH signifies the oncoming torrential downpour. WHICH resulted in the onset of my current sepulchral mood. and WHICH prompted me to listen to creepy bleak songs like jay chou's Wei Lian Gu Bao. (ok, it's isn't exactly the most funereal song choices i could make)

but what the hell. time spent moping is time wasted. indeed i shall abandon all curae on this acheronian matter and go back to whistling merry tunes whilst i skipalong to the HappyHouse.

Requiescat in Pace.

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