Tuesday, November 4, 2008


this post is entitled BLOB OF EVIL because of various reasons mentioned in the text below.

BLOB of EVIL: a shapeless lump of pure malice and depravity

Conclusion: People have a blob of evil in all of them, although at varying depths beneath their outer appearance and also of differing sizes, it is an undisputable fact that all sentient beings contain one of these little whackers.

Why, you ask? Answer, I shall. (haha i'm so full of crap)

have you ever had that feeling of intense hatred for someone? or maybe even towards an inanimate object like the brick in the middle of the path that stubbed your toe whilst you were minding your own beeswax on the way to school at 7am in the morning?

have you ever wished someone a violent death, preferably involving fire, immense pressure, boiling oil, grizzly bears, or BLOOD (lots of it), or maybe even a delightful combination of several or all of the above?

have you ever pondered upon why wars are still being initiated and fought despite the obvious losses and pointlessness for any side in any battle?

do you really want to know why all these happen? are you really prepared for the hideous truth?

WE are indeed the carriers of a certain malicious entity that some term the "Blob of Evil". its origins are highly debated amongst respectable experts of this field, with several possible theories that are most likely. one of which is that when Adam and Eve consumed the Fruit of All Evil, they accidentally swallowed seeds which harboured the essence of pernicious malevolence. the seeds, altered by enzymes and minerals found in the human body, were altered chemically and morphed into these known BLOBS that scientists have being studying about. another theory, postulated by Professor Brownchickabrowncow from Sopchoppy, Florida, is that this pimple of profligate obscenity is an adaptation arising from evolution of the human race. Professor Brownchickabrowncow, in this controversial theory, maintains that humans with this loathsome blister have greater fitness over others of their species, and that this trait was heritable in offspring and hence, over squamillions and smooshillions of years, it came about that all humans were birthed with this blight.

so how exactly does this diabolic scum affect the human host?

the answers, my friend, are blowin' in the wind, the answers, are blowin' in the wind...

no, seriously.

it is still unclear how this monstrous tumour confounds and corrupts the mind of its host, blackens and erodes the heart, taints and chokes the mind, tempts and corrodes the body. many mechanisms have been proposed, yet none have managed to survive laboratory testings and scientific proving. possibly, what we are dealing with is a higher form of life that noone is able to comprehend. perhaps the blobs in ourselves are working to maintain their blanket of secrecy and hence blind us, disallowing us to see the surreptitious workings of their kind in others.

what IS known is that efforts in uncovering the truth about these "tiny little buggers", as Dr. Koombawah from Monkey's Eyebrow, Arizona, so fittingly puts it, have been stepped up, with governments all over the world investing booshillions of taxpayers' money into worthy research projects and testing. this field of study has also seen an influx of post-graduates from renowned universities worldwide, all in the hopes of shedding light on the splotch of doom.

till then, perhaps we should embrace this grain of fiendish atrocity, let loose and wreak havoc. perhaps we should sit in moody anticipation for researchers to strike upon the answers to our many questions. perhaps we should combat the blobbular lunacy with scours and purgatories, good ol' detergent and water with a nice soapy lather, a cup of Happy Milkshake with Purity pearls, Chastity powder and Virtue spicules, or even, as some who believe in the old "fighting fire with fire" idea, infuse the mind with an insurmountable volume of heinous thoughts and ideas to swell the blotch and eventually burst the damned diabolical thing. whatever your method, just be aware. be aware, dear readers, of the thing, the thing they call the "Blob of Evil".

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