Tuesday, June 24, 2008

pheeeeeew back again in singapore, had a bbq dinner with the family and relatives, went out with the ex-6Sers, went out with beedict, went out with the gluttons. all this in the span of 4 days! and i must say, it feels as though i was never even gone. after the first night at home, it felt as though life just picked up from where i left it back here in singapore.

then again, there have been changes around the city, nothing mind-bogglingly drastic of course. just several buildings that have sprung up or were spruced up at the most. and i see the surroundings in a different light now, comparing things i see here with what i have in melbourne. and as i've said to several people already, even though i love my home, my family here, my friends here, the LOW retail prices and cost of living and many other aspects of singaporean living, i would say (people would cross their fingers at this point) that i PROBABLY prefer living in melbourne and the overall atmosphere of melbourne. and i would again hazard to make the statement that i would POSSIBLY prefer living in quite a lot of other cities compared to singapore.


i don't know.

and before you wring your hands in agony that you have just wasted your time reading the above with no hope of coming to a satisfying conclusion for my said (or typed) statements, i shall attempt (poorly) to justify my saying that singapore does not fall into my high priority list of THE cities to live in.

1. singaporeans can be really annoyingly kiasu, rude, thoughtless, mindless, kiasi, pampered, and obviously the list goes on. but of course, it would be unfair because for every rude twat you meet here, there are several potential Mother Teresas you can find down the street. and every other country has THEIR rude twats. on average however, i believe the ratio of rude twats to Mother Teresas are much higher than in other countries such as say, Switzerland, Canada or Japan.

2. the place is so damned small and has a BERJEPEEZUS lack of things to do. honestly, no matter how anyone tries to contest this statement, i will stand by it.

3. the way of living is just so....DULL. i think people of other nationalities have a passion for living, for life, for everything in life, for.... you know. like how the italians love food, the french love love, the japanese love all things cute and techie. what do singaporeans love? money? social status?

4. singaporeans are such poseurs. we're always trying to imitate others, idolise others. we were always trying to be westernised, and then the asian wave buried us all in j-pop, androgynous looks, and dog knows what else. it's embarrassing at times, and tiring most often.

5. okay, i can't think of more reasons. plus my battery's running low. so i shall be sure to update this list if i happen to feel so strongly about it. here's a redeeming statement though, there are definitely many good points about singapore. since the battery is dominating my concerns at the moment, i shan't expound. just accept it if you don't already do. singapore is where i was born and there's nothing that can change that, nothing i would do to do so either. so there, another pointless post that ended in square one.

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