Friday, May 16, 2008

humans can be such a pain the neck sometimes.

honestly dude. i don't know why we're so annoying.
maybe it's just my low tolerance level for irritating beings, but still you HAVE to admit how teeth-gratingly piss-offing people can get.

i would that i could just ignore these low-lifers but that would make them irritate me more. argh.

and why am i so annoyed then?
because someone intercepted me the other day to ask if he could talk to me. then he goes on to tell me that some seniors have been complaining that they think i'm rude because i don't reply when they say Hi to me.


you can read between the dots above to guess at ny reaction.

needless to say i'm astounded at the perfect simplicity of some human minds, that such a flawless and comprehensible equation can be conspired. the equation being: said Hi to + did not hear a reply = what a rude jerk

could there be a possible reason as to why this earth-shakingly monumental equation can be false?

for example, maybe the term "said Hi to" should have been "said Hi inaudibly to". or there could be a well-concealed error in the term "did not hear a reply", which could be literal in that the reply was made but just not heard, as opposed to there not being a reply at all. and then there's the absurdity of the equation in all its glory. should Oxford and Cambridge collectively gasp in horror at their mistakes and quickly reprint all their dictionaries to rectify the definition of "Rude" as " what a person is when he or she does not say Hi back to another who has said Hi to him or her"?

geez. just tie me to a pole and feed me to the birds if i have to suffer such stupidity from people.

i WOULD hazard a BLIND, RANDOM and completely WILD guess that rudeness is linked to things that actually matter, like punching a small kid for no reason, shouting obscenities at the pastor, pissing in public or something along those lines.

so if i DID say "Hi" to you and you DID hear it, would i be the most polite person in the whole bloody world? what if i said "Hi" and "SCREW YOU"?


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