Monday, February 4, 2008

and in a violent swerve to a wholly new set of thoughts and feelings, much as a rabid dog would look like on the streets, i'm feeling happy all of a tremendous sudden!

why, you ask.

here are the reasons:

1. chinese new year is coming soon! there'll be reunion dinners, lunches, "HUAT ARH!" lo-hei, seeing my dear cousins and chilling with them, getting angbaos, eating unadulterated amounts of cny snacks, wearing nice spankingly new clothes, finally hanging around with my family who don't need to go to work, etc. although i'm so bloody sick of chinese new year songs now, hear them everywhere i go and in all forms and remixes that they sound so dang mixed up now. PLUS i dislike the singing in those songs, terrible.

2. i'll be starting a new life soon, and an exciting one at that! too much to say about this, but i can't wait! although i will miss my family and extended family terribly, i'm still looking forward to going over! studying what i love, meeting new people, learning new things about life, learning about another country, living independently, etc etc, so MANY things to look forward to.

3. i feel like life is so full of promise suddenly. sigh, if only youth lasted longer. ah well, i guess you can feel young even if you were old, but that would just be complicating.

4. i currently feel an inebriating mix of jubilation, luck, ignorance and confidence which makes me stick my tongue out at mishap. that may be unwise, but the above said intoxication clears my head of all sense of reason and moderation.

and so, my mood has invariably swung.

from :(

to :D

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