Sunday, July 5, 2009

again i have in my mind a raving post that positively dies wanting to be heard by people (the audacious exhibitionist!) and yearns to be recorded for all with eyes to see.

hence i am subjugated by the thoughts floating in the vast expanse that is my mind, and will throw myself prostrate at their feet, following any commands made to the utmost.

geez, that last paragraph was a bit heavy.

anyways, i LOOOOOOOOVE the drums on the Killer's Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine! so inspiring and stirring. just makes me feel like running to the nearest music store and purchasing a drum kit in the hopes that i can miraculously imitate such a brilliant drumming performance without prior training whatsoever.

sooo, in the general light of things, i've just finished my first semester of vet science. the course that i have been dreaming of entering since i was in sec 3. and though dramatic effect bades me to say something jaw-dropping like "and then i discovered, with complete horror yet slashed with a tinge of resignation, that this was not the career path i wish to pursue in future", the truth is that i really love it! to the ultimate degree, i daresay with a resolute sort of finality. even though i slept in lectures, skipped some even, left studying till the eleventh hour, this is exactly where i want to be, except probably without the self-hatred for not being hardworking enough. but one thing i realised is that i do not want to be mediocre at all in this course. this was my greatest wish when deciding on my career path, that i could work with animals, and i sure as hell do know now that i do not want to be a washed-up average student with washed-up average grades and nothing at all to prove.

so i hereby set a goal of studying hard next semester. of course i will make allowances for skipping classes i feel will not benefit me (and detractors will argue that i could keep giving myself more and more allowance until in the end, history will repeat itself) (but i argue that firstly, there is noone reading this right now so who are the said detractors? besides, i make this vow to myself only, and in breaking it, nobody would know, much less care) but in the vague, nebulous view of affairs, i will work harder and play less than in the 1st sem! and i will strive to get better results! i for one hate losing, and the competitive streak in me would like to express its view that everyone else can go (being very polite here) fly kite while it starts to kick some behinds.

grand resolution thus made, i shall move on now.


today was a sunday.

today was my second sunday back in singapore from melb for my winter break, went to orchard with benedict, walked around (even in the rain), ate and drank, chillaxed, lamented the lack of activities available in singapore for an exciting day out.

err day before was saturday.

day before was my first saturday yada yada yada, had a family bbq! met up with the cousins except yiting, who had (swine) flu (cos she's such a pig). feels good to be around them all again. aeryn and aeriel are growing up so fast, aeriel speaks quite a bit already and can even say Atlas' name (well, more like spit the sounds out into an ear-splitting shriek that sounds more or less something like 'Atlas'). and aeryn is well on her way to becoming singapore's most illustrious lawyer in the near future at the rate she's going. what a precocious child.

and before the day before today was friday.

which was spent with some of the GLC, minus ahmeng and hongyi who are living it up in china. we had lunch and plenty of fun at taka, and conquered far east plaza after that.

so that is the story of my life (well, at least the past few days of it). tmr's for driving and tuesday as well. then i'll be trying to get fit as well at the gym as much as i can. then comes the GLC stayover from wed to fri and hopefully a meal with the cousins over the weekend. this is as far as myopic ol' me can plan, and i shall take whatever fate and destiny decide to lob at me with gungho and a tenacious spirit of adventure.

but for now, what i plan to do in the immediate future is to hit the washroom (OKAAAY unnecessary details) and pop into bed.

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