Wednesday, March 26, 2008

by the way, i just randomly thought of all the things my family has done for me, and i honestly, sincerely, TRULY feel grateful for everything they have ever given to me, helped me in, provided advice for, etc etc.

not many people know how to recognise sacrifices or help or care and concern, and i think that's extremely sad.

when you look back on things you really are able to see who are the ones that matter in your life. there are many times when people spend more time with and pay more attention to others who don't really deserve it, neglecting those who really care about you, which makes it all the more hurtful to them bcos they've done so much for you.

so anyways, i just wanna say that i really really really appreciate my family, more specifically, MAMA, MOMMY, DADDY, BRENDAN and ATLAS. of course it would overwhelm this poor blog to say what they've done, and neither can i really tell the extent of what they've done for me, so it's just a simple THANKS, I LOVE YOU GUYS. and also sorry if ever i didn't understand why you did something, or sorry if i ever treated you any less than you deserve as that was because i was short-sighted and unthoughtful etc etc.

and please show your appreciation for those who really care for you. if you ever think noone cares about you, it's only because you can't see it. and most often, those who really care for you are your family. treat them well!

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