Wednesday, March 26, 2008

by the way, i just randomly thought of all the things my family has done for me, and i honestly, sincerely, TRULY feel grateful for everything they have ever given to me, helped me in, provided advice for, etc etc.

not many people know how to recognise sacrifices or help or care and concern, and i think that's extremely sad.

when you look back on things you really are able to see who are the ones that matter in your life. there are many times when people spend more time with and pay more attention to others who don't really deserve it, neglecting those who really care about you, which makes it all the more hurtful to them bcos they've done so much for you.

so anyways, i just wanna say that i really really really appreciate my family, more specifically, MAMA, MOMMY, DADDY, BRENDAN and ATLAS. of course it would overwhelm this poor blog to say what they've done, and neither can i really tell the extent of what they've done for me, so it's just a simple THANKS, I LOVE YOU GUYS. and also sorry if ever i didn't understand why you did something, or sorry if i ever treated you any less than you deserve as that was because i was short-sighted and unthoughtful etc etc.

and please show your appreciation for those who really care for you. if you ever think noone cares about you, it's only because you can't see it. and most often, those who really care for you are your family. treat them well!
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright, so i'm back again, in less than a minute from my previous post. compelled by an obvious lack of things to do and a desperate attempt to avoid my work. anyways, just an update. it's easter break now, which means one week, yes that's right, ONE WHOLE WEEK of non-schooling. that is, the absence of lectures, tutorials, practicals, etc.

oh on a side note, i skipped one of my classes last week and a residential tutor from my college happened to be a facilitator for that class, and when i bumped into him a few days later, he said, "Oh i didn't see you at Science 101 on thursday..." heh heh.... gulp....

back to my previous topic.

and i moved out of IH for the break, to a service apartment called Arrow on Swanston, which is near the city. me mom's joining me on friday, i've been here since saturday. erm. i cooked several of my lunches and dinners so far here, cos there's a "kitchenette", which is in reality just 2 hotplates and a tiny hood. but i like having my own toilet and tv, it's nice to be able to step into a clean toilet and without having to walk all the way down the corridor with all my toiletries just to get a shower. plus it's also nice to watch tv and feel a semblance of connection to the real world outside. by the way, there was this really weird reality tv show called Moment of Truth where someone gets asked DAMN awkward questions and he/she has to answer the truth to get money. obviously the questions are scandalous, but what makes it worse is that the people some of these questions pertain to are THERE on the set, Watching the by-now uncomfortable and squirming victim fight to blurt the answer out. even though the answers are simple Yes or No ones, the questions are by no means as easy. there were questions like "Have you ever sent flirtatious text messages to anyone other than ____ (his girlfriend) in the past 6 months (or something along those lines)?", "Have you ever changed a customer's bill to get a bigger tip (for a waiter-victim)?", "Have you ever used the lack of money as an excuse to keep from proposing to ____ (his girlfriend, who of course, is sitting right in front of him as he has to answer the question)?", "Have you ever thought that your mother was overweight (and it goes without saying her mother was looking at her expectantly at this moment)?", "Have you had sexual relations with a man other than your husband?" etc etc.

oh my, the things people will do for money. and i don't mean the contestants here, i'm referring to the producers of the show. and what's funny too, is that the audience on set applaud every time the victim answers these questions with the truth, even if it revealed the victim's obvious faults, like dishonesty for the dude who changed bills to get bigger tips. yeesh, talk about weirdosity.

but all in all, tv's good! although when i first moved in it was jarring to be all alone in an apartment. felt a bit lonely. and it takes up a lot of time to cook all my meals. also i waste time watching tv instead of catching up on my work. i'm starting to have doubts about moving out of college after my first year, which was my previous plan, due to financial reasons. college is DAMN bloody expensive. but it's so convenient, and not to mention fun. get to have meals with friends, play sports with others after meals during your free time, bump into friends on the way to your room or to the computer lab.... argh, now it makes me think that i really should get a scholarship. sigh, if only my chances of getting a scholarship were directly proportional to my desire to get one. but it WOULD be kinda hard to measure what those chances are. desires are after all personal and need to be measured with other personal factors, which makes it entirely subjective and almost impossible to be measured accurately.


ok, i shall not delve into that last point. it's late at night and i have DEFINITELY better things to do, like the study of biology, or more specifically, the study of cell biology, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, cell division and the molecules of life. gee doesn't that just fire your imagination and excite your interest. errrrr.

ooh, and the weather's turning cold over here, autumn has finally set in! it's rainy too, which is good cos australia's experiencing droughts. but it's not too nice when it's rainy AND windy AND cold. definitely not. i've been soaked TWICE this week already, and i sincerely hope i do not catch a cold. it would suck majorly to be sick when i'm alone in a country with like a gazillion times less the number of clinics in singapore, and where i don't have a comfy home to rest in.

alright alright, i know you want me to end this never-ending (haha) post, and cut short this dreary business. alright then, till next time!
just some random pics taken a while ago...

that was a birthday celebration for one of the guys in IH, the dude with the red octopus soft toy on his lap, HAHA. weird. that was taken in the ping pong room! peeps pushed the table out and put cameras on it using timer mode to take this photo! haha, the things we do to cam-whore.... and some pple were damn evil la, they poured water on the birthday boy when it was late at night and cold outside. he was absolutely soaked and freezing.... it's dangerous celebrating your birthday i say.

that was from commencement dinner on 6th march. to signify the start of the uni term? we had to wear our gowns, and look harry potter-ish. by the way, we have this thingy called formal dinners every tues and thurs where we wear our gowns in, stand up by our seats till someone says grace, then we can take the gowns off and sit down to eat. what's funnier is that we can wear anything under the gown, no need for formal clothes. so pple wear like slippers and shorts and t-shirts underneath the formal gown, which looks damn funny. oh, slippers are called THONGS in australia!

this is from french national night, a dinner event thingy with performances to celebrate a certain culture twice a year. i wore french flag colours! but you can't see them! i had a blue shirt, red belt and white shorts! woot! lol. these dudes and dudettes were sitting at my table, except for the tallest guy, who was the waiter. and the girl to my right is from mauritius! so cool! the waiter's from korea/thailand. the rest are mostly malaysian, and two other singaporeans. there are TONS of malaysians in my college!

okaaaaay, that was all i've got. erm, till next time then!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

F1 Grand Prix Melbourne

the entrance at Gate 8. and tables for your bags to be checked by officers!

the little hill at Turn 11 that me and 4 friends camped on. we spread a blanket in front of the big screen tv to see what was happening all round the circuit! we had to go early to get space of course! we were there 5 hours early. lol!!

this was where plebians like us got experience how it was like to change a tyre on an F1 racecar. cooool, i did this twice, but i was the one lifting the tyres for 2 of my friends. i wanted to come back and try operating that thingy but didn't have time :( it was a competition by the way, the pair who change a tyre in the fastest time get to go to pit lane! we didn't win :(


the view from our camping area

all the pple behind and beside us. they brought foldable chairs! and some even coolers to put ice and beers!

KIMI RAIKKONEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! i couldn't get a clear picture dammit! but he looked good! lol!

hamilton, the race winner :S .all dressed in his racing outfit when raikkonen was still in shirt and bermudas, lol.

residents in the nearby building watching the race for free... haha lucky them

peeps walking on the racetrack, after the race of course. everyone was snapping away like mad, on their cameras

i THINK this is one of the grand stands.. oh i forgot to mention the general groan and head-holding when mark webber crashed out. haha

haha time for a nice photo! above is the "5 lights illuminate" signalling the start of the race. haha that's a quote from the commentator for all these F1 races, can't rmb his name..

the podium!! where kimi raikkonen stood last year!! photo opportunity number 2398, haha

my friends (and many other pple) cam-whoring at the starting line.

the pit lane!! and the pits!!! see the used tyres?? too cool!!

and i think those are the jacks used to

where raikkonen started!! 15th on the grid till he reached 2nd in the race! until his engine failed.....

race day was DAMN HOT! 40 deg to be precise! i was dehydrated, sweaty and stinky, dirty from the dust and grass being blown around, tired from standing, sunburnt and generally unomfortable. but i might still go for nt year's race! if the weather's better, or if i can afford better seats in better conditions! but it was still an experience to see 15 drivers crash out or fail to finish, thanks to the traction control rulings. and it was scary to see barichello's car pull a mechanic and his fuel hose away. stupid lollipop man made a mistake... it was also tremendously heart-sinking to hear raikkonen's engine making weird noises on the 4th and 5th last laps, it sounded of a much lower frequency than the usual highpitched engine sounds! we were all like "OH CRAAAAAAAP, WALAAAOOO" when we went past. i think he must have been saying the same in the driver's seat. all in all, an interesting experience indeed! i wished i could've gotten a better look at raikkonen!!

ok ok, Easter break soon!! one week off from school! i can't wait!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Highlight of the Month of March:

F1 Grand Prix in Melbourne's Albert Park
Sunday, 16 March 2008

woohoo!! bought a general admission ticket for sunday's race, it's A$68 with a student concession. EXCITING!!! it's my first ever time going to watch a race LIVE!! i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait! 2 more days!

hehe i get to watch a live F1 race before my brother and dad, they're going for the singapore night circuit race in september.

i'm going with 2 friends in college.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

oh by the way, i got another pre-paid SIM card from another provider, so right now i'm using 2 numbers. i'll be using +61 406177343 until my $19 credit runs out, right now the credit's at $17 so i'll probably be using this for 2 or 3 weeks? my other number, +61 434124269 i will try to check when i'm free, like switch SIM cards! after my credit for the 406177343 number runs out, i'll probably stick with the other number for the rest of eternity!

yeah, fyi just in case...