Thursday, December 6, 2007

Aaaaaaaaaaand, the countdown to my flight to Italy and France begins!

Counting down now..

It is 7 days till my fantabulous vacation overseas which i predict will be amazingly awesome!

as you can probably tell, i'm excited.

and by the way, the sequel to the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe will be coming out next year!! The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian will probably come out mid-2008! it'll be fantastic!
i'm tired. it's 1.13am and i've only slept for about 5 to 6 hours last night, and the night before, about 6 to 7 hours. so, following this theme, i shall post cute pics! which don't include me. haha.

if you're tired and feel like flopping over,

you should probably do as THEY do and curl up in the nearest comfy furniture item!

alternatively, stretching out is a perfectly good idea too.

on ANYTHING you can find.

in any weird position possible.

and you might probably find yourself ..... yourself...... yourse-YAAAAWN..... getting sleeeepy.
today the gluttons (minus siqian) sent hongyi off to china. we had a super fun time during hongyi's Great Lucky Draw Giveaway! lol! she brought a lot of illegal stuff in her handcarry, like toothpaste, travel wash etc, and her bags were too heavy. so she started giving away her stuff! including a book, a mug, travel wash and face wash! mengyuan was the grand winner with a total of 2 prizes! while melho the unfortunate didn't get any! hahaha, it was supremely amusing and hilarious.

we ate at burger king's, took several photos, then hongyi LEFT! sigh, time really waits for no man. noone is spared from its often cruel reach. but that's why we move on, forget or reminisce. the gluttons have really been probably my greatest friends in rg and rj, and i sincerely wish that we stay good friends for as long as possible. SIGH. we always wait till things have passed before truly appreciating them, guess that's inevitable and completely aligned with the human psyche!

anyways, going to changi airport, albeit by mrt, will always make my day! something about the place makes me excited, happy, sad and many other things simultaneously! someone said that airports are magical places of transition, lying on boundaries and borders, not belonging to any one city. isn't that fascinating?

i met up with benedict after that, to pass him some books to indulge in since he was feeling so aimless and empty after the hustle and bustle of activity over the past few days. and dude, you forgot to bring my lock and exam papers! honestly! your memory's worse than a goldfish's! and theirs is a 5-second one! and as usual, i learnt random weird bits of stuff from him again, like that funny-sounding ailment where sufferers fall asleep spontaneously, for example.

anyways, i found some more prom pics from benjamin's flickr site, benedict and preetha!

that's (from the left) trixie, preet, gerard and me!

benjamin and I. heh i think this is one of the photos i look good in, ignore benjamin. Haha! kidding la, sorry benjamin, your outfit's great... and of course your face also la! maybe cos it's quite dark and you can't really see my face clearly, that's why i get the impression that i look good, haha.

the food. this was the first dish, the cold dish or however you call it in chinese cuisine. there was squid, jellyfish, char siew, roast duck and erm...i forgot. i think this was the best dish in the entire menu, the rest kinda sucked big time.

artistic shot of the table placements.

and from benedict again, duh. because the ones i took with him using my cam were dark, blurry, or both.

courtesy of benedict khong, who took advantage of one of my many unglam moments as i was carrying ahmeng's bag, camera and other miscellaneous items. my face, as you can see, shows my feelings at the time. which incidentally, goes something like this: i feel so ill-used, having to carry all of someone else's stuff and feeling like a karang guni woman (or as benedict so articulately put across, a hanger with a whole lotta stuff on it), and then suffering to have my photo taken. :( poor me. but i shall force a smile out. :/

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

and here are the photos from prom! in order of importance, starting from my dearest mommy! haha just kidding. there were too many photos really, so i chose those that i look okay in, and those with proper lighting. a lot of my photos were too dark to see anything much la! Nooo!

I'm taller than my mom! see for yourself!

The gluttons in the hotel room, number 5272 (yeah that's right, we stayed on the 52nd floor! too cool! the view was amazing.) starting from me in the bottom right, going clockwise is ah meng, siqian, meifen, melho and hongyi!

Table 33! our cool tablemates! starting from me again (then who else?!) and clockwise is melho, siqian, ahmeng, dali, gerard, beedict who can't resist being -_-, marcus, xinrui, benjaja, mf and hongyi.

Class photo! 07S06S! okay, it kinda isn't exactly a CLASS photo, since some of the CLASS members were MIA, but more than 75% attendance qualifies it as a "CLASS" photo! by the way, the poor guy who helped us with the photo-taking must've gotten hand muscle cramps, he had to take us possibly 15 times over! with 15 diff cameras!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! although the tree looks a bit bare.

the sign, directing us lost sheep into the ballroom. by the way, what kind of theme is that?! Once upon a december?! huh?! wha?! rrrrright...

wow who's that good-looker!? LOL! okay i joke. that's me, cos me mom wanted a full-length shot of me. i swear! it wasn't my ego that wanted this photo taken! and thanks again to Glo for the dress! it's really v v v v v v v v v v veeeeeery nice!

Gluttons shot with kristel and joanna, sorta like a mini RGS 409 class reunion!

I couldn't resist putting this up. posef's doing some weird pout, or maybe he was going to yawn. HAHA

from the right, siqian, sumin and me!

and from the right again, mengyuan, preet and me! preetha's outfit is cool.

bel, mf and me! bel looks terribly happy, grin until like that!

Half of Iceburn! yishan, yiling and me. kar wei didn't go for prom. and xin miao and nicole were uncontactable. sigh. it would've been great to take an Iceburn photo. yishan looks so mature la! she looks like someone's wife, probably a rich man's wife, cos she looks high-class! haha.

and the 6S gluttons! wooh, i feel so tall! sorry, i couldn't resist.

and with THAT, we have come to the end of our presentation. we shall now have a Q & A session where we can answer any of your queries. haha, i kid. i have a sense of humour, you know. really. anyway, everyone looked good that night! it definitely was a night to remember.
phew, finally home! after a mad day rushing around the entire nation to prepare for prom, staying over at swissotel and sleeping at 4am, getting up at 8am for a tea session and returning to get my stuff, going for lunch at raffles city... I AM EXHAUSTED!

but prom was really enjoyable, very fun.

getting prepared for it was also ultra fun! my mom took half-day leave to chauffeur me around the entire Singapore!! how cool is that?!?! we were rushing to coronation to do hair, then drove like crazy to swissotel the stamford to check-in for ah meng to enter, then swept down to the car park and getting lost along the way (i can't help it, raffles city is too big!), probably offending several passers-by who got in my way, hopped in the car and positively flew to taka for an Anna Sui makeover (which, by the way, was extremely good! go there in future if you need make-up or a makeover) then raced back to the hotel room, where mel, meifen, hongyi, ahmeng and siqian were panicking, trying to put on make-up or their dresses, screamed at everyone to get outta the way so that i can use the toilet to change, finally getting into the super-fab dress that gloria so kindly lent me, mass taking photos with my mommy and the gluttons, then clacking our ways down to the level 4 function rooms in our skyscraper heels, then mass-taking photos again with almost everyone and anyone in our way, and finally getting seated in the ballroom.

pheeeeeeeeeew, that was a long sentence. and i haven't even reached the part where grad nite officially starts! you can tell how tiring just getting prepared was!

then the program started after an unnecessarily long delay, and the program kinda sucked, so did the food. especially the emcee, who the hell hires an emcee of that calibre?!?! please la, we pay so friggin much and you hire some half-*ss lao-yah-pock-gai fella to talk crap and irritate all the guests!? but we had fun mass-taking photos AGAIN, so as to preserve the memory of our dear friends, classmates, acquaintances, cca-mates etc. and obviously to preserve the memory of our tedious preparation, the hair, dress, make-up, accessories, blah blah.

sigh. it really was fun. and a few pple looked really good! i think benjamin's and benedict's were the best for our class' guys! haha. and sichen, lu rong and annabel too, for the girls! hmm, some of the ruggers didn't look too shabby either. in short, everyone probably looked better tonight than every day in school for the past 2 years! there was supposed to be a best dressed category right? wonder who won that.. wasn't listening to a word the blabbering idiot on stage was saying.

it felt really good taking photos with so many people! i feel like a celebrity, haha! ok kidding.

anyways, the gluttons went back to the room, but siqian had to leave, how sad. back in the room, we threw off our singapore-flyer heels immediately, and started wiping off all the make-up and people's fake eyelashes were being peeled off everywhere, it was chaotic! like the end of the world was looming close and pple were scrambling all over trying make-up and change. anyways, we were thinking of walking to clarke quay to make the most of the night, but gave up. we all bathed and went out of swissotel to hunt for food. we were supposed to look for a 24-hour hawker centre, but got lost and went for 24-hour Macdonalds instead. that was rather amusing. there was only one guy at the counter and the 5 of us were flooding him with orders. poor dude, he looked quite shell-shocked.

by the way, singapore at 2am in the night is rather enjoyable. no traffic, the wind was blowing constantly, the air was really cool, it felt like i was overseas on dec vacation! anyways we got our macs and went back to pig out, then the bustle of our hectic schedules caught up with us and we all fell asleep. stupid mel and ahmeng kept pulling the blanket towards their side! i had to fight for my life, yanking the blanket towards me occasionally to prevent hypothermia!

oh, before that, me, ahmeng, mel and mf had PLENTY of fun doing something. it was hilarious! except for mf, who was lousy!

then i woke early to get to the psc tea session, probably waking half the neighbourhood in the process trying to pack my stuff quietly. haha. sorry guys! the plastic covering for my dress crinkles noisily. it's not my fault!

then i came back to the hotel just in time to check-out, and so i did. and we went to Aerin's for lunch, which was good, despite the miniscule portions of food for gargantuan prices. couldn't really taste the white wine in the linguine vongole though, but it was not bad!

we walked around a bit, and i had to squeeze through narrow aisles with my humongous and heavy bags! i felt like an elephant in a micromouse maze.

i saw a lot of nice stuff, but i didn't want to add on to my already unbearable load, so i staved off temptation and kept my wallet firmly shut! good on me!

so after all that, i am back home, typing away, preparing to load photos of the long-awaited prom. i really will miss the class and the people i've met in rj! like mdm lee said, when she sees certain new students, she'll be reminded of some of her past students. i think i will too, when i make new friends in future. some of the things they do might remind me of the dudes and times back in rj, triggering memories. but oh well, we have to move on in life anyways. looking back constantly does noone any good.

but for now, i will sit back and appreciate the glam shots of my friends during prom, and remember all the silly, amusing, interesting (etc) moments we had together!