Wednesday, April 9, 2008

OH MY GOD i just read melho's blog and she got an offer from unimelb for vet science!! accept the offer, mel, accept it!!! please please please please please!!!

haha, hopefully that was persuasive enough. mel may not be the easiest person to sway at times.

i wanna rent an apartment with you melho!!! HAHA, i'm not being weird ok. it's just that i wanna move out to an apartment nt year cos it's cheaper, and i was thinking stayin alone would be too lonely and uneventful and would eventually turn me into an anti-social freaky hermit, whereas staying with someone else would probably irritate me to death cos i'm a nitpicky fussy EXTREMELY obssessive compulsive person. but staying with melho would be just fine cos she's good person to live with!! i can imagine, not that i have ever before. but, er yeah. erm. main point is, i pray melho accepts!!! and i pray she doesn't mind living with me!! you know what, i'll drop her an email right now.

(10 minutes later)

alrighty. anyways, here's a little update. melbourne weather's getting warmer, about 18 deg now, nice temperature! except that it's kinda sunny. which is good, but i have to walk in the sun for like 15 mins back and forth from uni EVERYday. THAT, is not good for my skin. aaaaand, i have chem and bio mid-semester tests nt week, i should be studying now. really. errr what else....oh i might be going back to singapore 31 june instead. aaand, i'll miss hongyi! she's leaving singapore b4 i come back! crap. ooh as you probably got my message, i have a new phone number ok! +61430500776. that's the number i got with a phone plan, and it came with a free phone! the sony ericsson w660i, not my ideal phone but better than the other free phones they had. at least it's black and gold! that's a plus!

ooh i can't wait for brendan, mama, auntie carol they all to come in june!! even though it's like several days before my semester exams and i don't think i can spend much time with them, i still look forward greatly to seeing mama! now, if only i could think of someway to being atlas over. hehe. which does not, of course, include stuffing him into a box a third his size and with one hole for air circulation, chucking him into the hold of a budget airplane and hoping he reaches melbourne alive and well. I MISS ATLAS!!!!!!! by the way, there's this group on facebook a while back which goes smt like 'the worst part about going to college is having to leave my dog behind'. absolutely true. i have this phobia that he won't recognise me when i get back. damn it.

and anyways, life here is still enjoyable. i'm working hard, sometimes i hate it but sometimes i like studying and feeling empowered, lol. but i miss wearing a school uniform! even though it may be inconvenient at times, it much easier cos you don't hv to pick out an outift everyday, plus it feels good wearing smt that shows you belong to a certain community. i wanted to buy an IH polo long-sleeve tee, it looks like some rugby shirt, damn cool, but it's like A$75. WTH!! who the hell sells shirts at that bloody price?!?! class tees only cost like S$10 back home la. wthwthwthwthwth. should i buy it? hmmmm. unnecessary strain on my budget. idiots. money-leechers.

errrm, ooh, i would like to thank my mom for carrying more stuff for me from back home in sunny Singapore. like my textbooks (i would die without my bio tb, i swear), speakers, my right-eye contact lenses (don't ask), and many other things that i absentmindedly left behind or needed cheaply.

aaaand, right now is 9.36am, and i'm waiting for lunch at 12.30pm, before i go to class at 1pm. and if you were observant enough, you would be asking curiously, "Hey, that's only 30 mins to have lunch AND get to class" congratulations for spotting that. i have to queue up to get lunch, stuff 2 sandwiches down my oesophagus, then speed-walk/half-walk-half-run/walk like a stupid nutcase whose legs were on high power without his body and arms following, to uni. i think i nearly had appendicitis the last time i did it. i know one day it WILL happen. and i would have to cut my appendix off, thanks to YOU. .... not YOU, i'm talking to the stupid affair of having 30 mins to cram in lunch and travel. ah well, the trials and tribulations of a college kid.

lol, i crap. i apologise.

damn, i am SO trying to avoid my bio work.

ok ok ok, errrrrr, by the way, why haven't i got a reply for my scholarship application?!?!?!? waaaah. please reply me!! thank you very much!!!

lol, ok, i seriously need to get my focus back to my work.

oh by the way, latin's getting harder but funner! and in 4 weeks' time, my zoology bio pracs are starting! which means we dissect organisms. like a rat, a heart etc etc. and i heard my friend in dentistry, a 2nd sem student, talk about her dissecting a man the other time. they sliced the skin on his scalp and pulled it back to have a poke around. but what's interesting is that apparently, there are rules, unsaid or not, that you can't talk about the cadaver that you dissected, pushed organs around and so KINDLY sewed back nice and neatly. like you can't comment on the appearance of the corpse, eg. he was quite good-looking/ugly or whatever. hmm interesting. so i can't comment on the smell of rotting flesh emitted from the corpse i dissect in future can i? by the way the smell of rotting flash comes from org cpds like cadaverine and putriscine, which are amines! hehe.

aaaaalright, i'm satisfied with avoiding my work for a grand total of 46 minutes (a new high score!) so i shall get back to it. by the way, most of my posts would probably have been posted up on Thursday mornings, cos it's my free morning and i usually try to avoid work at this time. alrighty then, i'm off now!