Tuesday, January 29, 2008

i'm baaaack. for a short paragraphs' time.

to all dudes, just a reminder, i'm leaving on the 18th of february for Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. please organise all farewell parties, and deliver all farewell presents and well-wishes before this date. we thank you for your cooperation.


and so, i've met my classmates from singapore who'll be in vet science too. there are SOO many of them! approximately 20 i'll say, and that's only from the uni of melbourne. how about those from other australian universities?! how about those from universities in other countries?! how about those who are going to graduate in the next 5 years?! it'll add up to about 250 vets who have graduated before me, or at the same time! which is MUCH MUCH MUCH too MUCH for a teeny country like singapore. how'm i gonna get employed when i graduate?!?!? it's unthinkable! i'll be a starving veterinarian looking for clinics with openings! o almighty one, please give me strength and guide me through this turbulent period, and ensure me a succesful career and flourishing wealth! lol, of course, i dramatify.

alrighty then, i'm excited to go to school again! makes me feel all brainy and enlightened! hope i can keep up with those who took bio in jc though

Saturday, January 12, 2008


UP TO 70% OFF.


ah the delights of shopping in orchard road during the holidays. it never fails to put a spring in my step and a twinkle in my eye thinking of ALL the shopping, and great savings, i can make during these wonderful times.


wouldn't you say that those savings you've made on the clothes, shoes, bags etc that you've bought were somehow leaked out of your wallet or bank account anyway?

first, you pay a HELL lot for carpark fees in most buildings in the orchard area. spending 3 hours in a shopping centre like taka or paragon practically saps those savings you've (or think you've) earned thanks to the parasitic carpark machines. damn those things.

THEN, you have to deal with the uncouth, jostling crowd that never seems to need to eat, drink or rest. seriously, even at lunchtime there are SWARMS of people (who, by the way, don't look hungry) infesting the shops around. maybe they've evolved into some higher species by selective shopping abilities. those that lose out and get phased out eventually are those who can't shop for more than 5 hours without food and water.

aaaand then, there's the bad service. as usual. (there's always bad service everywhere, where ever you are, whatever age you live in) quality of service is inversely proportional to the number of customers currently within the shop. (this has probably been researched on and proven....PROBABLY) only robots could retain their composure in the face of an onslaught of customers eager (almost desperate) to purchase an item on sale. unfortunately, the progress of science is far too slow for inventions of such genius, and we (still) have no robots. ah well.

anyhoo, whatever detractors make out of great sales, clearance sales, closing-down sales, "Everything MUST go!" sales, New Year sales, Post-New Year sales, Post-Post-New Year sales, the mother of all sales etc etc, i still like 'em.



unfortunately, i'm already running into a budget deficit and am hoping that i get some nice fat angpaos this year. PLEEEASE. or at least a careless millionaire sitting beside me on the train. haha kidding, i'll return the wallet. I SWEAR! i won't take it when noone's looking, spend a little cash on some stuff then dump it in the bin in the nearest toilet. i would never do something like that, heck, i can't even think up of something like that! haha.

battery's low so i've got to go. right, i'll call it a night. goodnight and....erm....have a pleasant flight?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

alrighty-o, today's the 9th of january. chinese new year's on the 7th and 8th of february, which leaves me with..... (doing an extremely fast mental calculation and employing exceptional brainwork and memorywork) 30 days till chinese new year, and a further 11 days till i leave singapore. wow. gifted with the benefit of hindsight, it feels easy to say that the past 18 years' worth of life and time has passed extremely fast. of course, it hasn't. but it sure feels like it since i'm already at the end of those 18 years. funny isn't it? well, not really. before you know it, you'll be 100 in the twinkling of an eye and approaching you end. THAT's definitely not funny.

anyways, i'm really looking forward to cny! i get to see my dearest cousins again, and chill out with my family for 2 entire days. the shopping for new year clothes is, of course, greatly anticipated too. i like shopping. (but obviously, i'm employing the use of a gigantic litote)

and also, i'm looking forward to going to australia! learning and seeing new things, refreshing change. imagine it, you even get to (well, sort of) start a new life! revamp your image! change your habits! set new goals and resolutions! it'll be cool. many pple don't get the opportunity to, and i sure am glad i get the chance. considerable sacrifices have to be made though..

one thing though, i have absolutely no idea how i'm gonna fit all my stuff into the luggage i'll be carrying on the plane. it'll be extremely headache-inducing to pack all my things, and praying that my fragile items do not reappear in australia looking like headless shrimps in a pile of mouldy noodles. erm, in plainer terms, just downright messy and definitely not a pretty sight.

and i'll also be troubled outta my wits worrying about things back home. (yes it's true, worrying doesn't only occur in that one way) i'll be worried about atlas, is he getting enough exercise, is his skin okay, how will he survive without me?!!?, eating his food well? etc etc
i'll be worried about my grandmother, worried about her worrying for me, how's her health, is she going out enough, is she bored at home? etc etc
i'll be worried about my mom, dad, brother, will they miss me lots, are they working too much (what the hell happened to the bloody 5-day work week?!?! bollocks!), is my brother playing too many pc and ps games etc etc
yes, that's a day in the life of Juline, in Australia.

anyways, i will take things one at a time. no use planning far ahead when everyone has a roadblock that can't be surpassed. one step at a time and you should be surviving.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

the inevitable has happened.

i have officially gotten tired of writing on this blog. although many things have happened since the last post, me going on holiday, getting a new laptop, reading and seeing stuff, i am in absolutely no mood to type about all these. nor am i inclined to load thousands of photos, bcos the loading is SO bloody slow, and i'm impatient.

but anyways, when i've recovered the blogging spirit, rest assured that i will bombard this blog with complete rubbish.

as usual.